Linux Removing Sequence of Linux in Windows and Linux dual boot Systems...

I recently installed Opensuse 11.1 along with my Windows XP SP2 OS using the instlux method in one of my partitions and successfully gave dual boot feature to my system. I managed to successfully enable the PPPOE internet connection in Opensuse after referring some old threads here.

Now what happened is i wanted to enable Cube Desktop in my system. I tried to enable that my going to Desktop-> Utilities -> Desktop effects and found some note written beneath it sayin that XComposite and XDamage were not present. so i decided to install Nvidia drivers for my card from Opensuse's website. after downloading the file and launching it, it started to download the necessary files from the internet. It ws here that i observed that it was downloading two repositiories (or wot it looked like...being a noob in all this) one looked like the Nvidia repository and the other looked like repository for the kernel. during the downloading of these files it gave some warnings in the middle about importing untrusted keys and file integrity issues, but i simply ignored them. It was after reboot that i saw one more version of entry of OpenSUSE there and decided to boot into that version. But instead of booting and showing a GUI, it showed a lot errors on a black screen.i shutdown the system by entering init 0 and then decided to boot into the earlier version and here too it gave the same error.

Now i know that this is an issue because of the update i had made for the kernel. now i would like to know how should i go on about removing Opensuse 11.1 from my system since it is in a separate partition (I:\) and my Windows is in the C:\ partition. Now i m confused about the sequence in which Opensuse should be removed since the GRUB is loaded in the C:\ drive along with Windows XP SP2's MBR.

Here are the options that my mind can think of now:
  • Should i boot into windows and go to my Disk Managment utility and delete and then format the partition where Opensuse is loaded. (But the GRUB would still be present in C:\ :huh: :S)
  • Back up all the data in my C:\ drive and then boot using the windows XP CD and then select the drive (C:\) where my windows is installed along with OpenSUSE GRUB loader and then format the drive and reinstall windows. (will this method work? i m not so sure about this, since i m worried about whether it would still load the GRUB loader for SUSE.) a nutshell, i would like to know what would be the best,recommended and the simplest way of removing Opensuse from my system.After that i would be installing opensuse again:clap:

In addition to this, i would like to have some of below issues i had with opensuse to be sorted out:
  1. how should i go on about enabling cube Desktop in Opensuse since it gave the Xcomposite and XDamage components not present error.
  2. The best and the sure way of disabling the Opensuse Kernel updates completely.
  3. I also want to install Compiz fusion in my system. My OpenSUSE 11.1 has KDE 4.1. The compiz fusion version for installing in OpenSUSE's website was for 4.2. Will installing the Compiz Fusion for KDE 4.2 in my Opensuse's KDE 4.1 give any issues?
I would b very much thankful if aybody could shed some light into this matter. Calling all Linux gurus out there....:eek:hyeah:
If you are installing openSuse immediately then there is no need to "remove" the old one...

You just do a fresh install and it will reformat the Linux partitions and overwrite the GRUB bootloader with the fresh setup...

At least thats what I do, I dont bother uninstalling, just reinstall on top of the existing one...

As for your other queries, I would browse the opensuse wiki and forums. KWin comes with its own effects without the need for compiz but I've seen people replacing it for better effects/choices, a search on replacing with compiz will get your the info im sure.

On a side note, openSuse 11.1 with KDE 4.1 is old/outdated already... get a fresh distro release (I'm enjoying KDE 4.2 which is much more stable on Kubuntu 9.04)... if you know openSuse moved to an 8 - month release cycle so the next release will be around september with KDE 4.3 only.

back to your issues, it should not have happened that an update screwed up your system so bad... while updating did you add some "repositories" labelled like "factory" those are unstable... stick to the default repositories and those specifically listed for version 11.1... if you add nvidia repos for 11.1 you can install the driver with their 1-click install...

edit: from this list:

Only add the nvidia repos for 11.1 here:

openSUSE is one the most complex distro out there.. Configuration is hell complex and I hate yum and yast ...

Well coming to you...

1. Xcomposite and Xdamage is nothing ! You just need to enable translucency option, it should either be present in graphics card configuration or in monitor configuration..

2. Disabling update isn't a good choice but there should be options in yast AFAIK. Haven't used this distro much so can't tell you the exact meathod,

3. Compiz fusion is different, it is not dependent on KDE/Gnome/XFCE .. You must be talking about Kwin composite effects..

if you are new and want to try something easy better start with Ubuntu or Mandriva.. The former is Gnome and latter is KDE .. Mandriva and Ubuntu have recently released new versions and are pretty good..
to remove the grub loader only:

1. boot using windows cd

2. go into "repair" mode

3. login using admin password to windows at the command line

4. type




5. that would clear grub from the hdd.

6. now you can use disk management to remove the linux partitions from within windows.

next you can start ur linux setup again or fix the issues as per some pointers given above.
Thank you so much for ur replies guys ...a few doubts..... coming to vishalrao... 1)Where can i find KWin? is that an additional package? if yes, will that be present in the opensuse 11.1 DVD? 2)As for the Reinstallation, (being an absolute noob) can u tell me the steps in which i shud go on about reinstalling it? i mean will the opensuse setup detect the partition where the opensuse is installed automatically? 3)As for updates,How should i make sure that i m not installing factory updates? since while installing Nvidia drivers, all it showed me were 2 links one for downloading the Nvidia repos and the other looked like kernel repos and nothing abt factory repos or updates were shown specifically.... Coming to Dark Star.... 4)can u tell me how and where shud i go and enable the translucency option? a little bit of elaboration would be very much helpful... being from the noob perspective, i have not found anything complex in OpenSUSE as of now. but yes i will agree to some difficulties i came across. firstly the disk partitioning screen in 11.1 is totally different from 11.0....not many ppl know this...they think 11.1 and 11.0 will be pretty much the same....but IMO its not same...but similar..yes...Then there was internet was a bit tedious...but lurking here and digging some old threads sorted out the issue..u have no idea the kind of joy i got after enabling the internet in was something really special i tell u..
LOL Balkazar, I wonder why you chose openSUSE, isn't it a little messy/complex? Try switching to Kubuntu or Mandriva it will be easier to troubleshoot also :p

For openSuse:

You do a normal installation and during the partition stage you do manual partitioning and just re-select the existing partitions for root "/" and swap so it will just format and reinstall over the same partitions without changing anything else. No need to even boot Windows XP CD to fixboot/fixmbr since reinstallation of Linux will get you a fresh GRUB bootloader.

Kwin is the default window manager which includes compiz-like effects which is enabled in system settings or in opensuse case somewhere in "configure desktop" or "yast administrator settings".

You add the ndivia repos from the links given above by again opening yast and going to "software sources" and clicking "add" then pasting the URL.

hope you can get it working, if it sounds hard, then since you are reinstalling anyway then just download one of the new distros and install that, we're here to help/guide :D

In fact Mandriva looks like it will need the least tinkering with all its user friendly GUI based setup, even Kubuntu requires some work to get running smoothly...
1. As I said the translucency option should be there in Yast Graphic card setup option...This is what it looks in Mandirva

2. I know the partitioning system has changed in SUSE .. I have managed to use it from 9.x release and I could not get it working.. Since they are very fast in delivering KDE 4.x snapshots I even installed Live CD and after installing fglrx the system broke..

I find using Arch easier than open SUSE.. Everytime i use it I scratch my head and think why I installed it :p

Xcomposite and Xdamage are composite X-tensions used to work with Kwin only .. You should not have got this error with Compiz..

BTW try the Mandriva 2009.1 its way better and cleaner then confusing gecko :p
For openSuse:
You do a normal installation and during the partition stage you do manual partitioning and just re-select the existing partitions for root "/" and swap so it will just format and reinstall over the same partitions without changing anything else. No need to even boot Windows XP CD to fixboot/fixmbr since reinstallation of Linux will get you a fresh GRUB bootloader.
ok....coming to vishalrao......i have successfully managed to reinstall opensuse 11.1 without any problems or issues v can skip the mumbo jumbo..:p...

Kwin is the default window manager which includes compiz-like effects which is enabled in system settings or in opensuse case somewhere in "configure desktop" or "yast administrator settings".
You add the ndivia repos from the links given above by again opening yast and going to "software sources" and clicking "add" then pasting the URL.
hope you can get it working, if it sounds hard, then since you are reinstalling anyway then just download one of the new distros and install that, we're here to help/guide :D
as for the desktop effects....i found out this time that u have to type ccsm in the terminal to open CompizConfig Settings Manager and then enable the cube Desktop effects there....however even after doing that for some reason my desktop cube effects were not getting enabled.....and even after enabling CCSM, the XComposite and XDamage extensions were not working....KWin just allows u to configure how ur windows behave...all it has are some options for Translucency effects and then different varieties and ways in which how ur windows should look....pretty much the same as in windows where u right click on the desktop and go to properties and then click the Appearance tab to adjust how ur windows shud look..

1. As I said the translucency option should be there in Yast Graphic card setup option...This is what it looks in Mandirva

2. I know the partitioning system has changed in SUSE .. I have managed to use it from 9.x release and I could not get it working.. Since they are very fast in delivering KDE 4.x snapshots I even installed Live CD and after installing fglrx the system broke..
I find using Arch easier than open SUSE.. Everytime i use it I scratch my head and think why I installed it :p
Xcomposite and Xdamage are composite X-tensions used to work with Kwin only .. You should not have got this error with Compiz..
BTW try the Mandriva 2009.1 its way better and cleaner then confusing gecko :p
Coming to DS, after doing the disk partitioning for the second time, i have got pretty comfy with it i m very confident now that i know the Disk partitioning settings byheart.......:eek:hyeah::cool2:...

anyways, i have some other matters and issues to discuss after i reinstalled opensuse 11.1... here they are...
  • after reinstalling Opensuse 11.1 and enabling the internet connection, i downloaded VLC media player's setup from opensuse's website. i downloaded the RPM version since they can b executed and installed directly by clicking on the RPM setup. after downloading, i clicked on it. but instead of showing some progress, all it showed was one window where it extracted the package and then the window disappeared. the RPM setup was atleast 16MB...there is no way it cold have gotten installed so fast...i did this twice and still the same issue.....:mad:..
  • Next issue..Adobe Flash player support and ShockWave flash support... i went to download the setup from adobe's website and then downloaded the Flash player setup. this time too i downloaded the RPM version. And this time too i clicked the setup to execute and the same thing happened as described for VLC setup....:mad:....and when i went to download the Shockwave Flash said that the OS was not supported...:mad:
If Mandriva resolves or has no such issues as i discussed above then i will straight away jump to it...honestly a browser without flash support is horrible...

plz advice....:huh:
1. The issue you said is not big deal.. If you install a sw from rpm it won't say that "Installed " it will just vanish... Check the Sound Category VLC should be there...

2. Again check if the youtube is working .. for more restricted plugins Restricted Formats - openSUSE

BTW Mandriva One Live Cd comes with adobe and plethora of additional plugins.. Installing stuff is pretty straightfwd :) You won't find much problem :)
Dark Star said:
1. The issue you said is not big deal.. If you install a sw from rpm it won't say that "Installed " it will just vanish... Check the Sound Category VLC should be there...

2. Again check if the youtube is working .. for more restricted plugins Restricted Formats - openSUSE

BTW Mandriva One Live Cd comes with adobe and plethora of additional plugins.. Installing stuff is pretty straightfwd :) You won't find much problem :)

thanx for the quick reply DS, just wanna know something about Mandriva...which is the latest stable version of Mandriva? i dont want RCs, Betas, and Alpha versions....just point me to latest stable and working version....and i will go ahead and download more big is the it in a CD or DVD (like opensuse)...and does the Mandriva Linux Free 2009 Spring edition contain both the KDE and GNOME DEs? and wot abt the KDE version in this one? is it 4.2?
^^2009.1 Spring Edition..

1. Free comes in with lots of s.w .. Yes KDE | Gnome | LXDE included.. and host of other s.w..

2. Its not a Live CD just like SUSE DVD. ..

Also you won't find codecs and drivers in it as it is based on FOSS rules... I would say try One_KDE_africa/india disc it is pretty good :)
how is the support for Nvidia Graphic Cards supported in Mandriva ? does it have any drivers for Nvidia cards? and how abt VLC media player? does it come prebundled with it? similarly, what should i do to get Adobe Flash Player and Shockwave flash installed in the browsers?
1. It comes with nvidia drivers.. But you need to install proprietary drivers and Control Center ...Its pretty easy..

2. VLC doesn't comes by default, you got dragon player and totem as well..

3. It has got all the flash thing you need while surfing websites ;)
i mean when i went 2 Distributions - Compiz Wiki , i found that there was no Mandriva distro mentioned there...what u mentioned in the link (if i m correct) is Compiz and not Compiz Fusion ? now that i think of it, are Compiz and Compiz Fusion one and the same thing or 2 different things?
^^Huh ! :| Look most of the wiki are outdated.. and that too is an installation guide which means listed distro doesn't comes with CF while mandriva does comes with !

Compiz is dead and so is beryl.. The only thing available is Compiz Fusion.. Mandirva comes with Compiz Fusion and Kwin ..