Repairing fat psp and iriver h10 mp3 player in Mumbai

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Does someone knows any shop in mumbai which can repair iriver h10 mp3 player and a fat psp.

The problem is their control buttons are not working.

In psp the audio buttons and on the iriver h10 player the volume control sensor.

I tried iriver player at 2-3 place but no help.

ALso i guess the company have packed their bags from here thats causing the trouble even more.
nitant said:
I know a repair guy in Fort. He can fix nearly anything. Buttons should be very easy anyway.
Yes if possible please forward the details.Also do specify if i need to take care of the electronics.

As last time when i had an O2 mobile ,someone recommended me a shop in fort only i gave the mobile ,he took a good a 25 days after returning it back without repairing it.

ALSO FLICKED THE DUMMY MEMORY STICK AND STYLUS .Saying i didnt gave it.Though that was during my noobish days.
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