PC Peripherals REQ: An Assembled PC - Budget 27-28ks - Config=?

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My cousin wants to buy a New Comp. Components Wanted Are:

1. Monitor (Flat Screen)

2. Speakers (Basic Ones With good Output - NOT 2.1,3.1 etc. - 500 Watts will be fine)

3. Keyboard (Multimedia - Wireless NOT needed)

4. Mouse (Preferrably Optical - Wireless NOT needed)

5. Combo Drive

6. Cabinet (Preferrably with good ventilation - Extra Fans)

7. 512 MB DDR RAM

8. HDD - 80 GB (2650/-)

9. Processor (Min 2.8Ghz - AMD or P4 please mention which is better deal for money)

10. Motherboard (As per the Processor)

11. GFX Card ( Not very high end card. Preferrably within 5ks. - Must be COMPATIBLE with M/B)

12. PSU (One which can handle the above specs)

Here are a few comments about the above:

Monitor Should be preferrably 17 inches.

Speakers must be basic ones.

Keyboard and Mouse must not be wireless.

Combo Drive.....suggest a good one. No need for DVD Writer.

Cabinet (inclusive of Floppy Drive and well ventilated).

GFX Card..... maybe one which is 256MB and runs the latest games like HL2 etc.

PSU To support the above.
Please note. This computer is for basic personal home use, It WILL NOT be OVERCLOCKED.
The computer assembled must not exceed 30Ks by any means.

If it fits within 25K it will ber Perfect.

The Processor must be a P4 preferrably due to some personal reasons (Perceptions).

If the AMD provides with a better pricing so as to adjust a better GFX card, it will be much better.
This comp should last about 2-3 years minimum.
Suggest the components and the relative rates. Location of the rates doesnt matter.

Need a basic idea regarding the components.
Any help will be appreciated.

AMD 64 2800 + = 5.2k
Asus K8S-MX = 4.1k
Transcend 512mb DDR 400= 2.5k
Samsung 17inch flat : 6.8k
Artis S500 = 1.2k
Gigabyte Radeon 9600 pro = 6k odd
Sony combo = 2.2k
Case + 300 watts VIP PSU = 1.6k ( IMP get one with two fans )
Microsoft basic Optical mouse = 500
Logitech spill free keyboard = 300
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bottle said:
will you be using it for gaming , office/school work , photochop ?

Hi Bottle,

the Comp will be used for Internet Surfing, Gaming (Basic Gaming ..... Doesnt matter if the games run at 800x600 but latest ones must run like HL2, NFS:UG2, D3 etc.), Office,College and School Work, No image editing or movie coding etc.

Edit: If you post an AMD Processor do mention if it is 2.8GHZ or 3.0 GHZ and so on.
XTerminator said:
Hi Bottle,
the Comp will be used for Internet Surfing, Gaming (Basic Gaming ..... Doesnt matter if the games run at 800x600 but latest ones must run like HL2, NFS:UG2, D3 etc.), Office,College and School Work, No image editing or movie coding etc.
Edit: If you post an AMD Processor do mention if it is 2.8GHZ or 3.0 GHZ and so on.
well for your needs the rig aces suggested would suit you real fine. he mentioned a 2800+ which is 1.8gigs if im not mistaken.

but his rig is over your budget and i think hes missed out on the hdd

so i think you ll have to skimp on the 9600pro and get something else more budget. would suggest a 9550 if you can get one
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or you could go with this
Amd 64 2800+ 5.2k
Asus K8V-X 4.5k
512DDR400 2.5k (hynix)
Seagate 80GB 2.8k (7200rpm)
FX5200/R9550SE 3k
Sony/Liteon cd-rw 1.3k
17" Samsung 5.5k
Altec Lansing AVS300 1.3k
Logitech keybrd/mouse 1k
Cabinet 1k
Total = 28k
1. Monitor (Flat Screen) ----> Samsung, not sure of price
2. Speakers (Basic Ones With good Output - NOT 2.1,3.1 etc. - 500 Watts will be fine) Artis S-11 speakers, good ones.--350/-
3. Keyboard (Multimedia - Wireless NOT needed) ---MS Internet Keyboard--800/- i guess
4. Mouse (Preferrably Optical - Wireless NOT needed)--->Logitech basic Optical ---450/-
5. Combo Drive ---->LiteOn 2300/-
6. Cabinet (Preferrably with good ventilation - Extra Fans)---->As per your choice,1500 max
7. 512 MB DDR RAM ---Hynix 2200/-
8. HDD - 80 GB (2650/-)----Seagate barracuda
9. Processor (Min 2.8Ghz - AMD or P4 please mention which is better deal for money)----> 2800+ A64 754 5200/-
10. Motherboard (As per the Processor) ---->Asus k8N 5000/- i guess
11. GFX Card ( Not very high end card. Preferrably within 5ks. - Must be COMPATIBLE with M/B) ---- 6200 AGp 6500/- good deal
12. PSU (One which can handle the above specs)----Powersafe 400 Watt
Well it all boils down to gfx card then. 9550Se and fx 5200 are both crap. Try to source a 9600 non pro for around 5k. Mobo if not ocing get Asus k8s-mx, also I strongly suggest to go with Transcend bcuz of the 3 year warranty,,,
I would suggest

AMD 64 3000 socket 939 7700

MSI Radeon Chipset mobo 5800

Transcend/Hynix 512 MB DDR 400 2300

80 Gig SATA 2650

17" Flat Samsung 7000

Logitech Optical Combo 900

Generic cabby plus PSU 1200

Optical Drive Combo Liteon 2300

Total = 29850

max your bugdget by another 3K and get a ATP 3... Rocking speakers... I know that you have mentioned you dont require high end speaers... The mobo has a good built in Graphics card and has also got PCIx slot for future upgrades... The machine is future proof for two years for sure...
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The 5700Le(256mb) is down to 5.4k.Oc'ed almost as good as the 6200 agp.
Please avoid the 6200 AGP ,it has a 64-bit bus which really hurts performance.
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