Req: Internet MB Upld/Dld Monitoring Software

Hi Guys

I currently on a Limited MB account so wanted a software that would monitor
my Total Uploaded & Downloaded MB to the Net.

A software having this with more other important features wud also be gr8.
You could try Net Traffic Meter and see if it works for you, did'nt work accurately for me. What I liked about it was that it carried hourly, weekly, monthly and yearly download logs with configurable alarms on exceeding a monthly or even daily usage, set by you. Also, it allowed user to disable data tranfer logging for a specified period. Like I have unlimited tranfer from 0000 to 0800 and I configured the program not to calculate that data in the total usage.

Now, the problem was that it was not keeping time properly. The very first post installation run of the program was taken as 0000 hrs time. Their support forum said the program was based on .Net runtimes so this should not might wanna have a look yourself.