Need a invite to a HD movies site where no logging in over long time will result in account deletion. My acc on bitHDTV got deleted it seemseven though I had it parked, got it here from @Mechanic
Ratio - not an issue. Downloading is very limited.
Have invites to
you must download at lest 15GB every quarter, failing which accounts are disabled
there is no criterion on "logging in"
15GB of only downloads or both downloads and uploads?
What is the minimum ratio I need to have?
If you have a combined download total in excess of 25 GB and your ratio is below 0.70, you will receive two consecutive 3-day warnings. Failure to act upon the warnings and increase your ratio above 0.70 within those 6 days will get your account disabled.
What is this "Quarter" all about?
This is a requirement to download at least 15 GB per quarter (3 months).
Members will see how much they downloaded in current Quarter right next to Invites.
The year will be divided in 4 quarters as follows: 1st quarter January, February, March; 2nd quarter April, May, June, 3rd quarter July, August, September; 4th quarter October, November, December.
Statistic will start on 0:00 on 1st day on every quarter.
If a member have not downloaded 15GB till 26th on 3th month of every quarter (March, June, September, December) he/she will be informed by blinking value of the downloaded amount during current quarter.
If member have not downloaded 15GB till 23:30 on last day of the 3th month of the current quarter his/her account will be disabled.
This rule will be applied for members that are registered for more than 3 months. This means that all newly registered members will enjoy a grace period until the 1-st day of the next quarter.
Download amount of torrents with free leech option will be counted in full (10GB will be counted as 10GB no matter whether the torrent is free, -75%, -50% or -25%).
The rule is valid for all members except VIP and above classes.
Considering minimum 10GB has to be downloaded per month to keep the account active, are freeleeches too considered in the 10GB?
shared IP can be a problem but I don't think using 2 different IPs should be a problem will check with the staff and let you know and if you want 2 invites can give it to you![]()
^^^Know any good trackers with good no. of WEB-DL releases?
Anyone have a 0Day tracker with Seed Point System?
Currently a member of IPT with 5xxGB Uploaded with 1.xx ratio. Need something else to split the download.
An invite is greatly appreciated.