Require Gaming Rig Max 30,000 DDR3 Config[Urgent]

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Require a New Gaming rig for 30K:
My requirement
DDR3 RAM supportable mobo
Intel core 2 duo processor
22" LCD monitor..
External grfx card (thinking of HD4670)

other recommendations are welcome..

All components :
CPU : Intel only
MOBO : DDR3 supportable (Future proof :ohyeah: )
SPEAKER: 2.1ch
30k ???? now thats like pushing optimism to its limit .... still lets give it a shot :

CPU : Intel only -- E5200/5300 -- 3.2k

MOBO : DDR3 supportable (Future proof ) -- MSI P43-C51 (DDR3 board for LGA 775) -- 6k

RAM : 2 GB Kingston DDR3 -- 2.5k

HDD : 320 GB WD -- 2.2k

OPTICAL DRIVE : LG/Samsung Sata -- 1.1k

GPU : 4670 -- 4.3k

CABINET : Zebby Bijli with PSU -- 1.6k

KEYBOARD & MOUSE : Samsung (Non Multimedia ) Combo -- 500

MONITOR : 22" : Any Brand Costing Around 9k

SPEAKER: 2.1ch : Altec Lansing BX112R -- 1.1k

Total Comes around : 31.2 k.

Phewww !!!!!!!!
In this situation, I'd recommend getting a mobo with onboard video and ddr3 support. That way you can get a gfx card and decent 2.1 speakers when budget permits.
For AMD :

CPU : AMD X2 240 -- 3.2k

MOBO : DDR3 supportable (Future proof ) -- Biostar TA785GE -- 4.3k

RAM : 2 GB Kingston DDR3 -- 2.5k

HDD : 320 GB WD -- 2.2k

OPTICAL DRIVE : LG/Samsung Sata -- 1.1k

GPU : 4670 -- 4.3k

CABINET : Zebby Bijli with PSU -- 1.6k

KEYBOARD & MOUSE : Samsung (Non Multimedia ) Combo -- 500

MONITOR : 22" : Any Brand Costing Around 9k

SPEAKER: 2.1ch : Altec Lansing BX112R -- 1.1k

Total Comes around : 29.8 k.

If u can increase ur budget then Upgrade the CPU to AMD Phenom X2 550, Or get a Better PSU for future (Recommended).

Zebby Real Power 350W -- 1.5k


Gigabyte Superb 460 -- 2.4k

Edit : U can save around 2 k, sumone is selling a LG LCD (22") for 7 k with 2 year warranty left. Have a look at the thread in the market section !!!

Athlon II x2 240 - 3150

M3A78 or M3N78 - 4600/4500

2 GB Corsair 800 Mhz - 2050

500 GB Seagate - 2300

Cabby - 1200

SMPS Gigabyte 460w - 2400

Speakers - 1200

Samsung 19' - 7500

Samsung/Lg DVDRW - 1200

K/M - 800/500

SAPPHIRE 4670 512MB - 4350

Total - 31250
if you can stretch it to 35k then you can get one hell of a vfm rig

Athlon II X4 620 or Phenom II X2 550: 5.5k

gigabyte 770t UD3p: 6.5k or biostar 790 GX A3+: 6.5k [both are DDR3 and the gigabyte 770 is a killer board]

rest u can take from any above configs.
dOm1naTOr said:
if you can stretch it to 35k then you can get one hell of a vfm rig
Athlon II X4 620 or Phenom II X2 550: 5.5k
gigabyte 770t UD3p: 6.5k or biostar 790 GX A3+: 6.5k [both are DDR3 and the gigabyte 770 is a killer board]
rest u can take from any above configs.

where did you quote the 770T-UD3P price from??
available locally ???!!!
dOm1naTOr said:
if you can stretch it to 35k then you can get one hell of a vfm rig

Athlon II X4 620 or Phenom II X2 550: 5.5k

gigabyte 770t UD3p: 6.5k or biostar 790 GX A3+: 6.5k [both are DDR3 and the gigabyte 770 is a killer board]

rest u can take from any above configs.

is "Athlon II X4 620" come in market(laminton Road)...?? :huh:

and how abt this mobo.. "MSI 770-C45 AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail" - MSI 770-C45 AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard - AMD Motherboards

does it support

Athlon II X4 620 nicely??

good n cheap ?? :D

ne other mobo suggestions ??
dOm1naTOr said:
its at lynx though buying from lynx is a tough job

can'y find it on lynx..

not listed in the pricelist and not in its desired location under motherboards>gigabyte>amd>770 chipset

anyways the pricing sucks as usual for mainstream gigabyte boards in India.

i had a talk with primeabgb sales person about 2months ago regarding this board's worth but he said they cant import/source it since no one else is asking for the same...

maybe we all can inquire prime for the same... maybe then we will see some signs of its debut here...

sorry for all the OT discussion.
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