PC Peripherals Resale Value


I need a resale vaslue for this PC.
AMD Athlon 64 4000+
ASUS A8N SLI SE ( 6+ months warranty )
XFX Radeon HD 4350 ( 2 weeks old )
Seagate 200GB HDD
if you want to sell ure stuff put the pics of ure stuff in market along with ure name and date written in piece of paper and about ure value here it goes

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ ~ 1800

ASUS A8N SLI SE ( 6+ months warranty ) ~1600

1GB DDR ~1200

XFX Radeon HD 4350 ( 2 weeks old ) ~1800

Seagate 200GB HDD ~1500

I am planning on selling this one to one of my friends of in urgent need. So I just feel like getting him ripped off if I had charged him 8000. Guess my guess was pretty close. ( I was gonna sell a LG DVD Writer and the Case with the PSU for 8k :p )