Reset Windows WINSOCK and TCP/IP Stack Entries For Better Browsing


What is the command to do a winsock reset in Windows?

Many Internet connectivity problems are caused by corrupt winsock settings. Windows sockets settings may become corrupted due to a Networking software installation and such as spyware. A winsock reset restores Windows Socket settings to defaults, which may help to restore connectivity to the computer. To do a winsock reset in Windows XP, open a command prompt and type in:

Reset Winsock (XP)

1. Click Windows Start, then click Run.

2. In the Open: field type CMD, then click OK. The Windows Command Console (black DOS window) will appear.

3. At the blinking cursor, type netsh int ip reset c:\Reset.txt

4. Press Enter on the keyboard.

5. At the blinking cursor, type: netsh winsock reset

6. Press Enter.

7. At the blinking cursor, type: exit. This closes the Windows Command Console window.

8. Restart your computer.

To reset Winsock in Vista/7/8:

1.Click the Windows Start button.

2. Type Cmd in the Start Search text box and press Ctrl-Shift-Enter (keyboard shortcut to run Command Prompt as Administrator). Click Continue to allow elevation request.

3. Type netsh winsock reset in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key.

4. Type netsh int ipv4 reset in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key.

5. If you use ipv6, type netsh int ipv6 reset in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key.
will be good if you list what symptoms can be solved by these steps, and what settings will be lost/ reset by these commands as well, so no one gets a nasty surprise. Detail what settings should be noted down or backed up before all this.