Resident Evil: Revival Selection HD [PS3] [X360]

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Secret Agent Man
We knew it would happen eventually, so here's presenting the latest classic title to join the 1zero8zero pixel glory. :ohyeah:

Resident Evil: Revival Selection brings RE4 and Code Veronica to 360 & PS3

Sorry, but that's the closest onomatopoeia we could come up with for the sound of confetti coming out of a giant cannon. What's the occasion? Why, it's the one millionth port of Resident Evil 4! It's a big honor, and it goes to Biohazard (Resident Evil): Revival Selection, a set of high-definition updates of RE 4 and Code Veronica, that Famitsu says is headed to 360 and PS3. According to Andriasang, the full title may be "Resident Evil Revival Selection HD Remastered Version," and fair warning: If we have to type that out in full every time, we'll never cover this game again.

The updates, which have only been announced for Japan at the moment, will feature RE 4's bonus Ada Wong scenario, "Separate Ways."

Source: Joystiq


Totally agree with xXx, i dislike these remakes, why not invest manpower in a new IP or something if not a proper sequel?
Aman27deep said:
Totally agree with xXx, i dislike these remakes, why not invest manpower in a new IP or something if not a proper sequel?
Aman, some of us never got to own the PS2 - makes sense for them. What of the GOW collection, SOTC, Ico which have been remastered for the PS3? :)
^ Hmm yeah true, but as i said those games are already out, buying a PS2 and playing them would be better IMHO, as new games can be developed in that time.
Aman27deep said:
^ Hmm yeah true, but as i said those games are already out, buying a PS2 and playing them would be better IMHO, as new games can be developed in that time.
The older gen. consoles look bad on newer displays.
Resident Evil 4 HD and RE: Code Veronica X HD Priced and Trailered

Prepare to revisit two seminal survival horror titles as Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica X shamble towards their September 2011 release simultaneously in retail stores and on the PlayStation Network. And wouldja believe it? Capcom has priced up both options today and they're both entirely reasonable for HD remakes of such great games.

Resident Evil 4 HD will be the first to arrive in stores and on the PlayStation Store for a price of £15.99/$19.99 in the shops or for download. It'll be available from September 20th in North America and Europe, with Resident Evil: Code Veronica X HD to follow the week after on September 27th in North America and Europe for the same price tag.

Both games include all of their bonus content too, with Code Veronica X being the definitive PS2 version of the Dreamcast title and Resident Evil 4 including the PS2 release's extras such as Ada Wong's 'Separate Ways' epilogue campaign.

There's gameplay trailers and new screens of both games to absorb too, as both Resident Evil 4 HD and Resident Evil: Code Veronica X head towards their respective September releases.




Resident Evil 4 looks much MUCH better on the PC with all the community mods applied. I guess, it's good enough for the PS3 and those who haven't played the game yet. I wonder if they would incorporate motion sensing in any parts of the game or not.
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