Mac OS Resolution stuck at 1024*768 in Kalyway

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I am using XFX NVIDIA 9500GT DDR2 graphics card. But the resolution is stuck at 1024*768. :S Can't change it. Tried many things... Please help ASAP..
Looks like you've installed the wrong kexts.

What build are you using and which graphics kexts(nvdarwin,natit etc.) u've used?
mihirpradhan204 said:
^^nopes.. I have LG's L192WS monitor. Supports 1440x900.

connect a different monitor and then again connect your lcd problem will be solved most probably or make a custom resolution in nvidia control panel and try.....opps didnt saw abt mac...btw still give what i said a try
If I tick anything extra in Kalyway, it won't work on my PC :no: So I leave it as it is...

Just finished installing iPC with just PS2 Fix extra ticked. getting the same resolution :@

My friend who has a different config. than me is also stuck at this resolution..

Please help ASAP..

BTW, should I tick anything extra in iPC to get higher resolutions?? How did you guys get high resolutions?? Which version of Mac OSX are you using??
mihirpradhan204 said:

If I tick anything extra in Kalyway, it won't work on my PC :no: So I leave it as it is...

Just finished installing iPC with just PS2 Fix extra ticked. getting the same resolution :@

My friend who has a different config. than me is also stuck at this resolution..

Please help ASAP..

BTW, should I tick anything extra in iPC to get higher resolutions?? How did you guys get high resolutions?? Which version of Mac OSX are you using??

Choosing the basic options doesn't mean that you eliminate even the necessary options required for the install.

You HAVE TO select Graphics kexts while customizing the install be it kalyway or iPC, otherwise you will always end up with a fixed resolution and no QE/CI support.

Run the iPC DVD from within the OS and customize the install, leaving everything unchecked including the base install and just tick on this.


EDIT: Tick NVdarwin 256MB if your card's video memory is 256MB.
^^Did this on my friend's PC. Selected his Intel GMA 950 and he got the resolution of 1440x900..:hap2:
Will soon try it on my PC and tell you..

But still, he is not able to boot into iPC without the iPC DVD. If the DVD is removed, a No boot device found error is displayed. Mac boots up only if the iPC DVD is inserted... Any solution for this??
mihirpradhan204 said:
^^Did this on my friend's PC. Selected his Intel GMA 950 and he got the resolution of 1440x900..:hap2:
Will soon try it on my PC and tell you..

But still, he is not able to boot into iPC without the iPC DVD. If the DVD is removed, a No boot device found error is displayed. Mac boots up only if the iPC DVD is inserted... Any solution for this??

Check if Journaling is enabled and partition is marked as Active.
^^how to check if journaling is enabled and the partition is marked as active or not?? :S Please explain...

Also, all my USB devices are not working on Mac.. How to get them working??
They are working fine on my friend's Mac...

And thanx for the reply... ;)
mihirpradhan204 said:
^^how to check if journaling is enabled and the partition is marked as active or not?? :S Please explain...

Also, all my USB devices are not working on Mac.. How to get them working??
They are working fine on my friend's Mac...

And thanx for the reply... ;)

Dude, a little bit of Googling won't hurt before asking to be spoon-fed.:P
The partiton you're installing leopard on SHOULD BE Primary as well as marked "Active".

Look here:

and here:

How to set your Partition "active" in OS X.

Your USB devices are not working for the same reason i mentioned in my 2nd post.
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