Resurrection of The Tarantulaâ„¢ ... Part 1 ...

Udit on a roll after quite some time...Congrats :hap2: ! I find the Quad a little too expensive but as u said, u're happy and that is surely what matters :eek:hyeah: !
G@d of w@r said:
something's wrong with you dude... Uve done wrong mountings on centre speaker.... It should be as per pic below.. :p rotate your centre speaker 180 deg and also u have to remove standscrews and turn and fix back speaker in the stands after rotating that also 180 deg.


why mount by the way above??? The grip always comes on the support below as you can see the same in satellite..

Hope this helps. and upgrade ur knowledge! i always tell u for ur good only and u talk **** on MSN.. who cares man..



case closed
This LCD wont be available for some time to come to be honest (L2475).

This was a personal favour + some luck that even made this deal possible :p
Wow...amazing rig...

and 4TB HDD... :S

btw... I recall u telling me that a big screen will be strainful for you... so i hope things have changed :)... really uber rig Udit... Congrats!!!
ANP !!! said:
Congrats, how many HDDs you have lol :p. I hope you get a new PSU too when you get another 4870.

thanks & 6 HDD's :D

i'll get a PSU if it needs one as currently it's only 400W load so another extra 150W won't matter :)

HX620 is no weak PSU :p

if I have 26k on my birthday then I'll buy a 4870 + HX1000 ;)
vij said:
btw... I recall u telling me that a big screen will be strainful for you... so i hope things have changed :)

I'll just push it a little far from me :p

the HP was love at first sight so had to get it ;)

Ambar said:
btw what will Part 2 contain xP

Udit said:
Part 2 will have my Printer, UPS, Cabinet, Hard Disks, Mouse, Mouse Pad, Ram, New Headphones, Cabinet Interiors with everything Installed & my new LCD monitor :eek:hyeah:

read buddy read :p