Return of the dragon nexus one !!!!

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first loudpseaker was bad , even ringtones didnt sound good , searching for contact was bad even syncing , the bottoms button reponse was not good too.. didnt like it.. bad phone yaar..

now i guess HTC HD 2 or X10 !! would be better choice !!! or.. nuthing :D BB HEHEH
anks22402 said:
first loudpseaker was bad , even ringtones didnt sound good , searching for contact was bad even syncing , the bottoms button reponse was not good too.. didnt like it.. bad phone yaar..

now i guess HTC HD 2 or X10 !! would be better choice !!! or.. nuthing :D BB HEHEH

Loudspeaker is weak. That is very well documented :p

Bottom touch sensitive buttons have a fix.
There is only 1 way to sync.
If you experience any sync issue, all you need to do is delete all contacts from your phone and resync with google :p (over wifi or 3G.)
Solves the sync problem. And it was largely fixed in OTA aupdate.

Anyway, no point pondering over it.

but all N1 issues you mentioned have a fix if there is no problem with the phone itself ( hardware defects ).
Nexus One is a good phone (except battery life, it sucks. I have to charge the phone twice a day with my usage), no doubt but Android still has a long way to go. It has two serious problems:

1. It is more orientated towards being an OS and it leaves many important features of a Phone. Google forgot that Android is not a full fledged Phone OS yet and N1 is a phone first. See this thread of mine for some of the missing features in only the Stock Dialer!!...

Issue 7023 - android - Stock Contact/Dialer Improvements/Enhancements/Bug Fixes - Project Hosting on Google Code

2. Google is damn slow in fixing issues and replying to old ones. That is a common problem and you can go to Google Code's Android Issue list to see what I mean. Minor issues, which are more than a year old, are still open and are present in 2.1!! I didn't expected Google to be such a crawler. Sad.

I know that we can Flash the phone with some ROMs to get some of that functionality, but it is like saying, "Buy a car and install wheels and a steering to get it working". If I am buying a phone, it should do all things a phone is expected to do in all it's factory glory.

Google needs to get it's act straight. A Phone OS and a Tablet OS are different. Google is trying to get two birds with one stone. I don't think that will work. Atleast it is not working now. And Android is completely not ready for Enterprise customers yet.

As for me, I am using two phones so my problem with Nexus One have a backup solution. Otherwise, I would have certainly switched my Nexus One by now.

I like Android a lot but it needs a lot of work. I hope Google wakes up sooner than later.
I will still recommend you to use BB as its an amazing phone... in fact 1 of the best phones that are there in the market.... :)

Choice is ur's
My other phone is instead a 9700. I don't like the BB OS a bit but contact management is good (still not up to my tastes) and messaging is definitely the fort. But still, in my opinion, Android, in fact, beats every Phone OS today (if we leave the stock dialer issues) hands down and I have used many Phone OSes to make that point. It has a lot of potential.

I will use the two phones and will drop 9700 when Symbian^3 comes out, because Symbian's contact management is also quite good.

I think I might drop Android for Windows Phone 7 when it comes out if the situation does not improve much. Till then I will use it more as a PDA than as a phone, which it rocks at.
Well what can I say...ure too used to the BB's and Iphones of the world that work right out of the box, with very minor issues, that also, rarely. The main reason for this being their closed architecture.

Anyway like others have pointed out, the issues could have been solved with a little searching.

For eg. after upgrading to 2.1 OTA on my milestone, I kept loosing the network connection, saying that sim card error. I checked a bit online and found that a hard reset of the phone is required...and viola, all done, no issues. The only issue I am facing now is of the alarm and probably need to look for a solution for that.

Otherwise its a very good phone, with an OK keyboard. The keys could have been a bit better with a slight ridge on them or something. Overall a great OS and way better than my BB that I used for more than a year. The number of things you can customise is really huge, thhat to without jail breaking or modding the rom.
mav2000 said:
Well what can I say...ure too used to the BB's and Iphones of the world that work right out of the box, with very minor issues, that also, rarely. The main reason for this being their closed architecture.

Anyway like others have pointed out, the issues could have been solved with a little searching.

If that post is a reply to my post then I think our timing collided. You must have posted this before my post appeared. My second post will clarify your doubts about my liking to Android.

But I will still like to add that I don't think everybody who buys a phone has all the time in the world to "search" for problems in their phone and rectify them. A phone needs to be a phone first and a PDA later.

mav2000 said:
The main reason for this being their closed architecture.

I didn't understand this point of yours. What is your reasoning in missing basic features or simple bugs has got to do with closed or open architecture? Can you please elaborate?
Hey, this was not in response to your post at all...this was in response to anks going nuts and giving back the g1.

And about the architecture, the more open it is the more the chances of clashing of various softwares that has been installed on the phone. In the case of Iphone and BB the apps are controlled by the companies, if not jail broken.

Anyway Anks, all I can say is that all the phones you have listed above will need some amount of work to make it function as per your take a call only after understanding this.
udayrulz said:
Don't get HD2 , WM based phones require a lot of tweaking .

I would say tweaking is plus point for WM phones :) ... depending on usage tweaking is needed :p ... otherwise works great out of the box

HTC desire is more preferrable over X10 .. and of course Nexus One in my opinion

But HD2 is also there ... as some of us have HD2 why not check it out before buying it
^ IMHO , Android based phones are much easier to tweak and offer a better out of the box experience than WM based phones .. My HTC Diamond came with a slow ROM which I almost instantly replaced with a custom ROM from XDA . Although I agree WM offers a lot more options / tweaks compared to Android ..

Anyway it doesn't seem OP is interested in tweaking the phone because as Shripad pointed out N1 is an amazing device powered by a very fast 1ghz qualcomm Snapdragon and most issues are software related .
htc desire.. is going to way tooo exp...i guess.. X10 coming for 29k billing

hd 2 i didnt like bcoz of its sizeee wayy to big.. x10 build quality is superb !!! really good..
Rofl i already said you pal dat it was a bad phone same thing happend to me got it and then sold it for a damn low price cause no1 was interested in buying that phone and got myself a Iphone 3gs and quite happy with that even your BB rockxxx !!!

Get a phone which get's released in india offically so that you can get it's warranty rite now be happi with your BB cause it's the best smartphone wait till few month's Iphone 4g will be released ... my friend own's a X10 he gave it back in 2 days i donno the reason but was not satisfied with the phone .... Stay with ur BB
anks22402 said:
htc desire.. is going to way tooo exp...i guess.. X10 coming for 29k billing

hd 2 i didnt like bcoz of its sizeee wayy to big.. x10 build quality is superb !!! really good..

X10 is Sony's first Anroid phone .. so I won't count on that .. better check review and use yourself ... otherwise again you will end up giving it back like Nexus One

Any yeah ... expensive word ... doesn't look like appliable if u can afford X10 :tongue:

Static.x said:
Rofl i already said you pal dat it was a bad phone same thing happend to me got it and then sold it for a damn low price cause no1 was interested in buying that phone and got myself a Iphone 3gs and quite happy with that even your BB rockxxx !!!

Get a phone which get's released in india offically so that you can get it's warranty rite now be happi with your BB cause it's the best smartphone wait till few month's Iphone 4g will be released ... my friend own's a X10 he gave it back in 2 days i donno the reason but was not satisfied with the phone .... Stay with ur BB

That's the main reason behind success of BB and iPhone ... works too great and smooth out of box :eek:hyeah:

yup ... +1 to wait for iPhone 4G

@Ankit : In my opinion .. warranty is good but not mandatory .. How many times you have claimed warranty of your last 2-3 costly phones ?? :)
I say good (and costly) mobile working properly is good enough .. of course one will take good care of it if it's costly :eek:hyeah:

Besides ... shouldn't this thread be moved to Mobile Phone advice section ?? :p
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