CPU/Mobo Revert to older BIOS

I want to revert to an older version of BIOS on my HP Pavilion laptop because with the new updated version, the fan is hardly ever used at all, causing my laptop to heat up. I have the older version backed up as a .wph file. Trouble is Winphlash doesn't allow me to change the BIOS, saying the current BIOS is a newer version and so it will not be changed. I do understand going back to an older version is not advisable for all kinds of reasons, but still is there some way to do this?
i dont really suggest u to do that !!! see if u can control the fan speed in the bios ??Also look for alternative softwares like speedfan
^+1, dont go back to an older BIOS, there will be an option in the bios called smart fan controll or sth like that where u can set your fan speed to 100%
Thank you very much techfreak and amitash for replying. In my BIOS settings there is only boot options and so on and absolutely nowhere to change the fan settings. I installed Speedfan, but sadly, there are no fans listed when I click on the configure button. Any advice is welcome as HP support is not very helpful on this.

This is an HP Pavilion DV6226TX.