Revert to Original firmware on Nokia 5800

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Could anybody please post a short tutorial on how to revert to original firmware on a Nokia 5800? I modded it a year back but want to go back to the original firmware.

Even a link to the instructions will do.

It's not possible to revert to Orignal Firmware or Downgrading with a Data Cable...

You Can take your phone to local repair shop and ask him to flash with the firmware...

Depending upon shop to shop charges would vary between Rs100-Rs500..!!
Here's the error message:

Phone not updated. Update package not compatible with the phone. Contact service provider.
search for pnht forum

i would have given you the direct link but thats not allowed here i guess

so first of all download navifirm and jaf software that will be enough
I want to reinstall the latest firmware on my 5800.

first time install of latest f/w was done by phone only using wifi connection.
but now I want to reinstall it, but nokia PC and ovi suites give an error " unable to connect server".
i tried on different PCs.

please help
This new firmware has somewhat messed up my touch screen (when I use phone for calls, i need to lock and unlock the screen to use the touch screen)
BTW I've no idea about " navifirm" and "JAF"
Navifirm, JAF, and Phoenix are flashing tools for bricked devices. You should just download the latest firmware from the internet ( there are sources ) and flash the firmware on using JAF/Phoenix.
geek ashish said:
I want to reinstall the latest firmware on my 5800.

first time install of latest f/w was done by phone only using wifi connection.

but now I want to reinstall it, but nokia PC and ovi suites give an error " unable to connect server".

i tried on different PCs.

please help

This new firmware has somewhat messed up my touch screen (when I use phone for calls, i need to lock and unlock the screen to use the touch screen)

BTW I've no idea about " navifirm" and "JAF"
I dont think you will be able to revert back to original firmware without JAF. Just read around in pnht forum. The whole process just takes less than 5 minutes. Get Navifirm search for the latest fw according to your handset model and then just flash using JAF .
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