Security Software Review::Calling id (Phishing protection software)

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Calling id

Well guys this is my first review hope its helpful to you people……

Here I go………..

Well from the past 1 and half year I have been using this software…………I found this software accidently….but it came very helpful

Calling id
The site definition ……

Know Who You are Dealing with on the Internet
Verifies that a site is safe before you send personal data
Behind the simple interface, you are protected by 54 automatic verification tests that inform you of the potential risks
You decide what to do

Say suppose u ppl want to do net banking and say u have an account in say hdfcbank

You instead of going to go to ( suppose this site exists and they have loaded exactly the duplicate page as of hdfc)…….and without your knowledge you type your important details..and try to login….and you will see a message server temporary down try after some hours……….in short u will become a victim of phishing (Phishing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) attack and also your details will be shared with an intruder……….

So how does Callingid help….Well its just a toolbar on top of the browser which helps you to know who is the owner of the site(just like any yahoo google toolbar)

View attachment 2338
Now take a real e.g…

Suppose u want to check your mails on yahoo or gmail…and suppose some phishers create a site say

or say

and becoz of yours negligence in typing you go to this site and you will see a page like this……….


There is an obvious chance of the person losing your id and all important data…….

But u can clearly see……the page belongsto 3rd party not the company (yahoo,gmail)

So again this s/w comes very handy…….

On top of it this software is free

CallingID Toolbar - Download

Note::In second picture I have knowingly blured the site name(script kiddie protection)


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