Review of Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 5 REV 2

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This is a review of the Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 5 REV 3 for NVIDIA 6800 cards and 7800 cards.

Most of us have heard of the Silencer series of graphics card coolers. They are among the best selling cooling solutions for GPUs. And for hardware geeks who want to tweak the most out of their system, this is a very good buy. Or so, the company advertises :P

[break=Official Description and Application]

Official Description

**Easier Installation
New clip and back plate design for better fit.
Thermal paste is already pre-applied to the heatsink.

**Enhanced Compatibility
New fan casing design to enhance compatibility.

**Ripple Noise Solution
A filter is integrated into the PCB to reduce the noise generated from the motor.

**Extremely quiet
A large fan and optimized fanblades offer a minimum noise level at a high air flow.

**Unique Cooling Performance
Highest fin surface area and a 3.5 mm thick copper base achieve best cooling performance at its noise level.

**Efficient Memory Cooling
With this highly efficient heatsink the memories get cooled up to 6 times better than without memory cooling.

**High Service Life (L10 at 30°C: 274000h)
Our ARCTIC Ceramic Bearing (alloy bearing and Ceramic shaft) provides our fans with an outstanding service life.

**6 Years Warranty

**DHES (Direct Heat Exhaust System)
The DHES draws cool air from inside the case and exhausts warm
air outwards. This prevents the fan from recycling warm air to cool the
GPU, which increases cooling performance.
Further the DHES lowers the air temperature inside the case, because the heat
of the GPU will be carried out directly.

**Easy Installation
Compared to our VGA Silencer, we could ease the installation process significantly.


AGP: Geforce 6800 Series
FX 4000
PCIe: Geforce 6800 Series
Geforce 7800 Series
Quadro FX 1400, 3400, 3450, 4400, 4500

[break=Personal Experience]

Personal Experience

In one sentence ----- Build quality SUCKS!! Read the whole thread to get an idea

Now, I am not that bad when it comes to handling hardware. About the screw which started rotating, I was just screwing the nut in. And the whole damn screw started rotating.

Anyway I finally fixed everything by using a bit of superglue and a bit of contact cement :P

These are the pics of the screw which was rotating. I put a bit of super glue a few months back and a few days back, I again used the contact cement. It seems to be holding.
This was the screw which came out completely. Another problem I had was that the nut had got really screwed to the screw..... I could not remove it easily. Finally, my dad holding the screw with one pair of cutting pliars and me holding the nut with another pair, we could loosen the nut and remove it completely.

After that, I used a bit of contact cement again and fixed it properly back.

These are the pics of the tube of contact cement I am talking abt.

So, basically, I have been very disappointed with the way Arctic Cooling makes these things. These things are not supposed to fall apart in my hands.

Anyway coming to the REAL reason you are all reading this review



The installation is very easy as long as the Silencer does not fall apart in your hands. It is just a matter of removing the old heatsink, cleaning the core and RAM with IPA and then reapplying thermal paste to the core and fixing the Silencer 5.

What I did was, I cleaned the core and RAM chips. After that, I obviosuly disregarded the thermal paste provided by Arctic Cooling. They give some Arctic cooling MX-1 paste. I of course applied a thin layer of Arctic Silver 5 on the core. I used my finger covered with a thin plastic cover to spread it evenly on the core.

The NV Silencer 5 has thermal pads on the copper base for the RAM Chips. So, obviously, I didnt need to use any thermal paste for the RAM chips.

I would have actually preferred the older versions of the Silencer 5 as they had a pure copper base, even for the RAM chips. That would have certainly been better than the thermal pads given with this revision.

After this, I just placed the Silencer over the card, and on the other side of the card, I placed the metal clip and the rubber spacer ad tightened the screws with my hand. I was too afraid to use screwdrivers or anything for fear that the newly fixed screws would again start giving me problems.

But anyway it was a cinch. The Installation instructions given with the Silencer says that if needed, the screws can be tightened further. I didnt need to do so as the core and RAM chips were making good contact with the copper base and the thermal pads respectively.



Test Bench:

AMD 64 3200+
Asus A8V Deluxe
BFG 6800 GT OC. Stock speeds are Core - 370 MHz and Memory -- 1000 MHz
El-cheapo cabinet. But tests have been done with side panel open and one intake fan.

With Stock cooling:

Stock speed:​

At Idle ---
At Load ---
At Overclocked speeds (Core -- 414 MHz)​


With Silencer

Stock Speeds​

Stock speeds at load ----

Overclocked Speeds​
Load ---
A quick recap:

Stock cooler

Idle --- 57
Load(non-Oc'ed) --- 79
Load(oc'ed to Core of 414) --- 77​

After installing NV Silencer 5

Idle --- 55
Load(non-OC'ed) --- 71
Load(oc'ed to core = 414) --- 70​
As can be seen, the idle temps are not too great. But the load temps are simply amazing!!!

The strange thing is that in both the cases the load temps when oc'ed is less than the load temps when at stock speeds :S.

And I noticed it more so when I oc'ed the core to 420 MHz. The Load temps did not even touch 70 at that time. It was always at 69 or lesser.

I guess that can be attributed to the fact that my room is not maintained at a constant temperature or anything. So, I guess variations on room temperature show up here.

And after loading it to 71 deg C and then closing the RTHDRIBL window, it takes all of 1 min 47 secs for the GPU temperature to drop to 57 deg C :D.

I did not do this test on the stock cooler, so I can’t really compare. But I guess that is something really good.

And it is DEAD Silent. I mean, I myself could not believe how silent it was compared to the stock cooler when I installed it and started up my PC. I am not such a big fan of silent computing but this is mindblowing.

The best I could overclock on the stock cooler before it started artefacting was 414/1150.

With this NV Silencer installed, I can go upto 420/1170. I know it isn’t much but I guess this is the limit of the GPU itself. Even at this speeds, the temperature of the GPU core does not cross 71 Deg C



Some more pics after installing the Silencer fitted 6800GT in my cabby

I got my NV Silencer for 60 Singapore $. That is abt 1620/- Rs. I think that it is quite a decent price for the performance it offers.

This concludes my review of the Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 5.

Pros: Superb cooling, very very silent, reasonably priced.

Cons: Bad build quality, thermal pads for the RAM chips.
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Ok review, could be much better :P , pics good though..a tip - try to minimise 1st person and b1tch a lil less about how much probs that cooler caused ya :P

otherwise OK, repping u for your next review nikhil
vandal said:
Ok review, could be much better :P , pics good though..a tip - try to minimise 1st person and b1tch a lil less about how much probs that cooler caused ya :P

otherwise OK, repping u for your next review nikhil
Thanks for the advice :)

But abt the b**ching part ---- I had to do that coz it did cause me a lot of inconvenience. I got this in March. I finally fitted it last week.

Of course, a part of that was also due to my laziness but still..... it sure was a pain in the ***.

And how else could the review be better??

And what is the point of minimising first person?? Most reviews I read on the web are in first person....
^^ Man, keeping such stuff idle for 3 months is a crime under the IPC :O

Good review and pics though ;)
^ Atleast he showed the pics Unlike you :P.

Great review d00d, efforts appreciated.

Reps after I get home :D.
vandal said:
Ok review, could be much better :P , pics good though..a tip - try to minimise 1st person and b1tch a lil less about how much probs that cooler caused ya :P

otherwise OK, repping u for your next review nikhil
There's no logic in that. Why minimise first person? He's talking from a personal perspective, so it can very much be in first-person. There are no laws for writing reviews. As long as the writing in clear to understand, you can pretty much do what you want. And about the b**ching part, please. If he didn't like the way something was, he can b**ch about it. It's as simple as that.

Oh and, Good job Nikhil! Good effort, good execution. I guess that calls for some reputation :) Unfortunately, I "must spread some reputation around before giving it to Nikhil again" :(
COuld some mod add these pics to the main review under the following title

Some more pics after installing the Silencer fitted 6800GT in my cabby

Please add this part after this part of the review ----

With this NV Silencer installed, I can go upto 420/1170. I know it isn’t much but I guess this is the limit of the GPU itself. Even at this speeds, the temperature of the GPU core does not cross 71 Deg C

And before this part of the review
I got my NV Silencer for 60 Singapore $. That is abt 1620/- Rs. I think that it is quite a decent price for the performance it offers.

This concludes my review of the Arctic Cooling NV Silencer 5.

Pros: Superb cooling, very very silent, reasonably priced.

Cons: Bad build quality, thermal pads for the RAM chips.
Darthcoder said:
^ Atleast he showed the pics Unlike you :P.
Great review d00d, efforts appreciated.
Reps after I get home :D.
yeah u owe me some reps too darthy boy... c'mon be fair... I can't post screenies cause I cannot use my PC without a monitor, but like I said the LCD should come this week subject to my getting time off to go to lammy... then I'll make it a point to post some 50 screenies :P
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