Review : Z-Board Gaming Keyboard

Well, im on a review spree lately.
Heres my review on my Z-Board Gaming Keyboard on request of Rave. Hes dying to read about it.


Heres the entire Set, with the Box.
It comes with the Base, the Normal Keyset, the Gaming Keyset, Manual, and Driver Installation CD.



My first impression when i saw this keyboard, about a year back was, "I have to buy it!! It rocks!!"
Since ive bought it, i havent had 1 regret about doing so.
Lets get to know a lil' more about the keyboard before using it.

Heres a Pic of the Main Base.

Heres a Close Up.
As you can see its complete rubber, no springs and plastic crap like normal keyboards. All the keys on the Base itself are used maximum by me. Playing, Changing Track, Stop, Pause, UnPause, Mute, Volume Control, everything is usefull. I dont take a look at Windows Media Player anymore... Hehe..


It has 2 USB extensions on the Top Right hand corner.

Heres the point of connection between the chip on the base and the one on the KeySets.


Make sure you dont scratch these parts!

The Lights you can see there are the ones which are used for Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock.

Also, they give you a nice handrest with the Keyboard too. Fits in nicely :).

Now on to Removing and Plugging in Keysets..

First you remove the clip on the right hand side, like so...


Then just pull out the keyset.

Now put the new one... Like so..


Pretty simple eh?
This can be done with the PC on ofcourse and Z-Board Drivers Quickly regonise which keyset you have put.

Also the Drivers support you Keyset to be upgraded from the Internet, so if you dont want to download the full drivers just for and update on 1 games keyset, you can do this.

Pretty Convinient eh? I dont know one thing that Ideazon hasnt thought of.
And oh yea, this keyboard works w/o drivers too. Even the Gaming Keyset does.

Now getting down to the Features and Use of the Keyboard.

Heres a pic firstly of the Gaming Keyset on the Keyboard.

Looks pretty nice if you ask me. You have to see it in Close up to appreciate its looks.

Heres a close up of the Gaming Part of the Keyboard.


Heres a List of Games Supported with the Latest 480 Drivers. Ideazonâ„¢ - Precision Gaming Tools [Change Country]

Now see what you can do with the Powerful Drivers :).

When your any of your Z-Board Keyset is in use the Z-Board Icon in the Taskbar it looks like this

It goes Yellow if you remove the Keyset.

My settings when i plug in my Gaming Keyset is to activate the CS Source settings. Which you can see below.

CS Source anyone?

Far Cry? Do you wanna play now?

Some UT 2004?

Z-Board -> Settings looks like this..



Heres a pic of my Button Configuration. In the drivers.

This is just a few of the things you can do with the Default Gaming Keyset!
Not one for Custom Games. Ofcourse, i do plan to buy one for CS Source or Counter Strike if they release it again. :).

Check out the Doom 3 Keyset





There are keysets for many more games... Check out...Ideazonâ„¢ Precision Gaming Tools [Limited Edition Keysets for Zboard]

Damn i need one for CS : Source. :(.


After all this, i feel that the Z-Board is one thing what every gamer needs and must have!
Its 50$ well spent for something which can last you a lifetime.

The Quality of the product is very high too. I was very impressed with the Finishing and Sturdyness.
I have dropped it ones and it has survived my Flight form USA to India, and i can find 1 scrath or a hint of a problem with it.
There was always chance of damaging the Chip and rendering the Keyboard useless. Which is unlikely to happen as it is pretty well protected.

Finally, What i really liked was the Extra Keys on the base, to control all the Key things a Gamer uses in Windows, and more really :).

Review was only written by me.
Few Images are copied from other sites.
Rep me if you find it good/helpful. :).
^ Nice review, but PLEASE upload all the pics onto Imageshack or the likes (I already mentioned this in the XP-90 review). Linking off images from other websites is stealing their bandwidth and will not be looked upon nicely from their side :)
nicely done goldie, wud like to tell what crazy_eddy said before, download the pic on ur pc and upload it at imageshack and then post the link, when u link it directly from their site, it is called bandwoith stealing, and u wudnt want ur review go bad coz of it ;)

oh and care to tell me how you got that thing??! me wanty :(
Nice Review there goldie.
And must say u are really lucky to own one.

how much did it cost you.
Also how much for the extra doom3 extension thing.
50 dollars.. 15 dollars all Extra Keysets.

I got it when i was in the US. :). Tell kev182 to get you 1.. lol...

Thanx Blady :)