RGB Hub ?

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Hell Yeah[Born Critic]
Since everyone needs to move to DTH and it requires RGB cable but i also wanted my media player to work but my TV only have one RGB slot is there a Hub kind of component which can help here which would just allow me to switch between modes of DTH and media player ?
Anyone using it ? I heard there is a drop in quality while using this ?
^^ Ideally, it shouldn't as it's just channeling the signal and not dividing it into multiple outputs.
Signal quality may get impacted if the device itself has cheap components, or if the wiring is just too long.
Anyone using it ? I heard there is a drop in quality while using this ?
My uncle is using one from past two years. There is drop in quality if component cable quality is bad. The hub does nothing to drop quality. Its just a switch.
I still cannot decide whether to get a hub or not reason being i heard at times of lightning it can cause issues
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