Linux RHEL 6 + ATi Driver issues

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!
I recently installed the 32 bit version of RHEL 6 on my desktop which has an Ati 5850 card. I downloaded this driver from the Ati website - ATI Catalystâ„¢ 10.11 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver - but I constantly have issues with booting into the OS. The system randomly freezes at boot up or at the login screen. The OS environment is Gnome.

I followed the procedure which was meant to install drivers in RHEL 5/ CentOS 5. Can anyone help me configure and install Ati Drivers properly in RHEL 6?
I used to have 4870 on my system which created a lot of problems with Fedora 14. Can you tell us what is the X.Org version of your install?

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Also, try updating the kernel & install the latest kernel-sources.. you need to set SELinux in permissive mode. It creates a lot of problem with drivers..
SELinux = Disaster (Well for desktop's atleast)

Server's need extra security and for experienced users. I've kept that thing turned off on my F14 installation. :)

It creates too many problems and the root of it.
i believe the Ati driver installation procedure for Fedora 13/14 and RHEL 6 will differ although RHEL 6 is supposed to be based on FC 13/14. If its the same can I install Ati drivers in RHEL 6 using the method used to install drivers in Fedora Core 13/14?
I use to install the drivers for Fedora 12 through command line when I had 4870 using the sh command. But, it broke down my system when I upgraded my Fedora 12 is the parent of RHEL 6. So I suggest you search for the official installation instructions that are mentioned by Red Hat. The new versions of Fedora are still not supported by ATI cards, I read that on the official FedoraForums.
I am unable to boot into RHEL--system freezes. will do another install later in the night tomorrow.
Try to boot into single user mode.. pres 'e' when grub appears and write single after the last word of the GRUB.. then press b.. you will boot into single user mode.. from there you can uninstall ATI's gfx.. refer to fglrx.log for more details.. it will give you the full path of your installed drivers and will also tell you how to uninstall it.. no need to re-install the system..
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