Riddick: Dark Athena keeps crashing

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drinks like a fish
The stupid game keeps crashing at random points, its freakin irritating!
I removed the GPU OC, tried compatibilty mode w/ admin rights...
Could this be something to do w/ ATI cards? I'm running 4890 on v3.6
Here's the game crash log
Unhandled exception
Write comments for bugreport here. Please describe what you were doing when the program crashed.
Exception type: Access violation trying to read to address: 0x80000008
Exception address: 0x074a2120 (C:\Program Files (x86)\The Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena\System\Win32_x86\MXR.dll!MRTC_DLLAttachProcess)
0x074a2120 C:\Program Files (x86)\The Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena\System\Win32_x86\MXR.dll!MRTC_DLLAttachProcess
StackFrame: 0x0018dc24
0x07208bd1 C:\Program Files (x86)\The Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena\System\Win32_x86\MXR.dll!MRTC_DLLAttachProcess
StackFrame: 0x0018dc28
StackFrame: 0x0018dc2c
StackFrame: 0x0018dc30
StackFrame: 0x0018dc34
Integer registers:
Edi=0x0aa56250 Esi=0x80000000 Eax=0x14a9a7d8
Ebx=0x7ebf7440 Ecx=0x0c8bff60 Edx=0x14a9a7d8
Control registers:
Eip=0x074a2120 Ebp=0x00000001 Esp=0x0018dc18
SegCs=0x00000023 SegSs=0x0000002b EFlags=0x00010286
Debug registers:
Dr0=0x00000000 Dr1=0x00000000 Dr2=0x00000000
Dr3=0x00000000 Dr6=0x00000000 Dr7=0x00000000
Segment registers:
SegGs=0x0000002b SegFs=0x00000053
SegEs=0x0000002b SegDs=0x0000002b
Floating point registers:
ControlWord=0x027f StatusWord=0x013f TagWord=0xffff
ErrorOffset=0x69182dd7 ErrorSelector=0x05d80023 DataOffset=0x00000000
DataSelector=0x0000002b Cr0NpxState=0x002b0023
St0=0x400c8000000000000000 St1=0x40088000000000000000
St2=0x00000000000000000000 St3=0x3fff8000000000000000
St4=0x3fff8000000000000000 St5=0x3fff8000000000000000
St6=0x3fff8000000000000000 St7=0x00000000000000000000
SSE registers:
Xmm0=0x00000000000000000000000000000000 Xmm1=0x00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff
Xmm2=0x00000000000000000000000000000000 Xmm3=0x00000000c2840005c207ffc042300008
Xmm4=0x00000000000000000000000000000000 Xmm5=0x00000000396b4bc30000000000000000
Xmm6=0x00000000b8a7d55f396b4bc3385fc728 Xmm7=0x00000000bf43c72ebec9b5f23f0284ca
Please advice..
That's not the reason for the crash, I can guarantee you on that. I don't think we can help any further now that you have mentioned the source of the copy.
Ethan_Hunt said:
That's not the reason for the crash, I can guarantee you on that.

actually, you can't. just because the cracked version worked for you, that doesn't necessarily mean it can't mess up another installation. without going into too much detail, lets just say that when crackers work on removing the drm, they have to reverse engineer the original executable to remove all references to it. while doing this, it is completely possible to mess up something else which could cause this problem. in this case, there is an unhandled exception while trying to access a certain protected memory addresses... it's possible that those types of memory addresses were not called when you played the game.

i don't actually think this is likely because the crackers are pretty brilliant at what they do, but it is certainly possible.
spindoctor said:
it's possible that those types of memory addresses were not called when you played the game.

It's an Unhandled exception error. How can you be so sure that it's the because of the nature of his copy that is causing this error?

This happens even in a legit copy. Check out ATARI's forums & people have reported similar crashing issues with regard to memory addressing. The problem lies with the actual game as well. So it does not necessarily translate into his copy being the reason. The crashing issue is also addressed on the ATARI forum's as one of it's known issues.
Its an ATI driver issue, quite a few of my games crashing/locking-up.. like GOW, Wanted, riddick, etc

Tried 9.5, 9.6 and 9.4.. no fix :( Moving back to Vista :|
spindoctor said:
read the last line of my previous post.

m0h1t said:
Its an ATI driver issue, quite a few of my games crashing/locking-up.. like GOW, Wanted, riddick, etc

Tried 9.5, 9.6 and 9.4.. no fix Moving back to Vista
I rest my case. :)

ram_dante said:
u pretend that u didnt see that,i dnt give a damn..i didnt like the game(both of em),thats my damn strait answer!
Like anyone gives a sh*t?
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