21-30k Rig for 30k --tight budget

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Q: What is your budget?
30k { tighter budget : this is the end no further increments}

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model) -
This would be my first

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
Not valid

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
I have the following components in my mind after researching some time:

Ups : APC 600VA -1900
HardDisk : WD Caviar Blue 500 GB -3800
PSU : Corsair CX430 V2 - 2200
Cabinet : NZXT Gamma -2200
Ram : Corsair Vengeance 4GB -1600
11700rs(all the above components summed up should gave this price)
Monitor : anything near 6000rs
No decisions made on Processor - Motherboard COMBO. (if my math is right it should come below 12000rs)

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Yes, will buy in next 1 month

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Probably Mumbai
Open to online purchase( If i can get a discount/lower rate)

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Watching HD movies
Some designing tools

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.?
I like AMD

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
Medium Graphic games

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
HD Monitor should suffice

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 64 bit/Ubuntu 64bit
@((Eliah you can look at the following options --

Intel Pentium G620 ~3500/-
Intel DH67-BL ~5800/-
Corsair ValueRAM 4GB x1 ~1300/-
AMD HD 7750GHz ~7000/-
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB ~4000/-
HP [boxed] optical drive ~1000/-
Corsair CX V2430W ~2600/-
NZXT Gamma ~2400/-
DeLL IN2030M ~6500/- [20" LED backlit monitor with DVI-D connector]
APC BR600VA-IN ~1900/-

If you are buying the system next month you just might catch the release of the AMD Trinity processors. But as I do not know the pricing of the same and its raw performance vis-á-vis Intel's low end offerings I am not recommending it. You can contact us immediately before buying again to confirm the RIG specs.

Unfortunately in a sub ~8000/- budget you cannot get a HD-capable monitor.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!!
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But since the above configuration is way over my budget.. i am not willing to go with above configuration.
I have strictly mentioned that 30,000rs is the maximum i can afford.

Please suggest an AMD rig.
Please suggest an AMD rig.

Sacrifice the graphics card [for now] and try to save some more before moving in for the purchase that is my advice.

AMD quad-cores will be equalled by the Intel Pentium processor that I have suggested. Either ways AMD RIG will also be just as expensive as you will need to invest in a discrete graphics card to enjoy gaming at medium graphics fidelity.

Noticed you are a new member mate, welcome onboard and have a pleasant stay.
Any problems with AMD rig..??
Can you suggest fusion processors?? so that i have graphics needed for a while.. and if i can get a graphics card later i will get the effect from both..
Any problems with AMD rig..??
Can you suggest fusion processors?? so that i have graphics needed for a while.. and if i can get a graphics card later i will get the effect from both..

Here is the Fusion RIG, but once you will add a discrete graphics card its performance will pale in front of its Intel equivalent.

AMD A6-3500 ~4500/-
MSi A75MA-G55 ~5900/-
Corsair Vengeance 2GB x2 ~1900/- [as Llano chips are dependent on the RAM and scale well with faster frequency RAM --> Making Memory Performance Matter Again : AMD A8-3850 Review: Llano Rocks Entry-Level Desktops / Testing Different Memory Speeds on AMD's A8-3850 Llano APU - Memory Performance on AMD's A-Series APU - Legit Reviews]
[rest configuration same as Intel]

Please note that the successor to the current round of AMD Llano processors the AMD Trinity line-up is releasing in August [tentative] so you will miss those [and they are not backwards compatible].

Hope this helps, Cheerio!!
@ALPHA17 - If Op is in strict budget then you should not recommend intel Dh67bl @ 5.8k

The DH67-BL is the only good motherboard in that price-range recommending H61 OR B75 chipset based solutions for a gaming RIG seems slightly off mark. They simply do not have the feature set the H67 and above chipsets offer [no USB 3.0 and SATA III on most editions].

Just my point of view. So peace!!
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I am on a similar quest and had this quick question which I feel does not warrant a new thread.
I am planning on a basic gaming system. I have read through all your suggestions/recommendations in different posts in TE.

I am not an expert but I gather this much -

I was initially looking to build an APU-based system. However, you have pointed out that Intel G620 coupled with a Radeon HD 6670 would beat the AMD A8-3870k APU.

So please help me complete my system
Processor - Intel G620
Graphics Card - Sapphire Radeon HD 6670
Motherboard - Help me out here. I know your recommendation is the Intel Intel DH67-BL but it costs 5500!
(I do not plan to use any fancy features like USB 3.0, Sata 6gb/s, overclocking, HDMI - Nothing)

All I want is a motherboard that -
1. enables the CPU and GPU to give their best performance and
2. can accommodate a better CPU and GPU maybe a year later

Please pardon my ignorance. I may have overlooked something very obvious. What can I say - I am a noob :-)
@setonfire I'd suggest you to create a new thread for your own so that your queries will be sorted separately.No need to mix up threads to confuse other members.Cheers.
I am on a similar quest and had this quick question which I feel does not warrant a new thread.
I am planning on a basic gaming system. I have read through all your suggestions/recommendations in different posts in TE.

I am not an expert but I gather this much -

I was initially looking to build an APU-based system. However, you have pointed out that Intel G620 coupled with a Radeon HD 6670 would beat the AMD A8-3870k APU.

So please help me complete my system
Processor - Intel G620
Graphics Card - Sapphire Radeon HD 6670
Motherboard - Help me out here. I know your recommendation is the Intel Intel DH67-BL but it costs 5500!
(I do not plan to use any fancy features like USB 3.0, Sata 6gb/s, overclocking, HDMI - Nothing)

All I want is a motherboard that -
1. enables the CPU and GPU to give their best performance and
2. can accommodate a better CPU and GPU maybe a year later

Please pardon my ignorance. I may have overlooked something very obvious. What can I say - I am a noob :-)
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