Right or Wrong PART 2.

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Well, The Iranian President has been in the news lately for making so-called stupid comments.

For those who dont know, he said that since the Holocaust(the methodical extermination of 6 million Jews by NAzi Germany) happened in Europe by a European power, why take land from the Muslims in Palestine and give it to the jews.

He has been widely criticised by the world's leaders for that.

But then look at it objectively.

the Muslims had NOTHING to do with the Holocaust. It was Christians who did it. Jews from Germany, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary who were the worst affected. Not to mention the parts of the USSR which were occupied by Germany.

But after WW2, why take land from innocent people and give it to the jews??

This is nothing but string arm tactics of the Allied Powers at that time.

Agreed. Jerusulem is the "holy land: of the Jews. But it is the same even for Muslims(but not as much as Mecca and Medina). And the jews lost control over Jerusulem centuries ago. How in the world can they just demand it back when it is already under some other country??

What do you people think abt it??
if god says a land is holy, you don't go to occupy it.

today if our pandits say america is holy land will we go there to conquer it. Israel as a nation is founded on religion and promised land which in itself is a disgrace.

having said that palestinians resorting to terror is a bigger disgrace. Without it one can look at them with sympathy and they would have an upper hand in any negotiations.. with it,, they are always on backfoot and rightly so. You cannot negotiate with terror. classic case.. even india is apprehensive of open hearted support to palestine now. doing so would in a way mean that we support terror. recall the gaza withdrawl. MEA was conspicuous by there bein no statement applauding the move..
btw i must add the iranian president is the biggest fool that ever rules there. His own external affairs ministry is embarrassed by his antics. rhetoric is one thig.. absurdity another. to deny even the existence of holocaust is foolish.. and so is saying that they will wipe israel off world map.

After that asking for nuclear enrichment should give any right thinking man the jitters.
Well, that prez is a maniac. I agree..... And denying that the holocaust happened is even more ridiculous.

But That one statement I agree wit. That the Europeans killed the Jews. So, giove them land in Europe. Why harass the Palestinians for that??

And yeah.... I knew someone was going to talk abt the terror tactics of the Palestinians :P

I do not agree with that either.
Give them Bihar and UP. Will make the world a better place, not to mention India which will benefit the most.

No offence to any UP or Biharis' but your state is an anarchial mess ruled by prehistoric neandertals. Its bringing the whole of India down.

EDIT : LOL enough of India bashing. But regarding the Israel issue, it has been formed. And Palestine are not gonna get their land back, more so if they continue with terrorism.

BTW the same logic applies to India and Pakistan, Kashmir was a majority Muslim state, and during partition majority of the kashmiris wanted to merge with Pakistan. The King of Kashmir though was a Hindu hence he merged with India. So should India surrender Kashmir. The answer is on my first para.
Nikhil said:
Well, The Iranian President has been in the news lately for making so-called stupid comments.

I think iranian prez and bush are one and the same. When israel's army kills many palestinians the world remains a mute spectator. Iran doesnt care what the world says abt those statements bcoz it enjoys the support of russia and china.

N yes europe should give some of its land to the jews of israel but we know thats never going to happen.
Worse even, Iran is quickly developing its nuclear programme; it'll only be a while for nuclear armament. Israel meanwhile, has already openly spoken about an attack to cripple Iran's nuclear development should they acquire nuclear weapons.

Where does that leave Iran? To put it in the words of their defence minister: "The policy of Iran is completely defensive, but if we are attacked, the answer of the armed forces will be swift, firm and destructive"
israel will attack to defend itself.. Iran will attack to fight.

There is a clear distinction between the two. How many Islamic states are you willing to trust with Nuclear weapons. With just 1 we have probs all over.. with 2 and with a prez and mullahs at helm, we are better off without having them.

And bout mute spectator part, when someone kills your people wantonly the country has every right to take offensive actions, and in the realm of middle east israel has the strength to do so. unfortunately thats not the case in the subcontinent as pakistan is no pushover.
If any idiot decides to step on Plot 28, Sector 2649 on the Moon.. I'll kill him... God gave me that land!!!

(On a more serious note.... Land is too small a thing to be argued over during that precious time we're given to live Life.)
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