Rockmelt Invites Thread


I've got 7 invites. First come first serve.

Just remember

* Every user has 3 invites

* One of the catch is the invites I send will be refilled if the users download Rockmelt and are using it, if I simply send to anyone that are not interested in this browser, you just wasted your invites.

And I think I can't invite you unless you're on the friend list.

So add me on facebook :

Also, after I've invited others, they can invite more people in turn.
rgsilent said:

Friend request sent. Invite will appreciated.

Rahul Parekh is my profile name.

What do you know? We're from the same college :p
Yeah, fancy that!
Sorry man I overlooked your request, just added you, so it'll take a few hours for you to show up on my list to invite.

The other three invites sent :D
rockinruler said:
Yeah, fancy that!

Sorry man I overlooked your request, just added you, so it'll take a few hours for you to show up on my list to invite.

The other three invites sent :D
No problem, mate. I'm in no rush :p