Router for internet via cable. 300 Mbps.



I live in a 3 BHK apartment, 1800 square feet, and i've got a 10 Mbps broadband connection.

Its from the local cable guy (TV cable fed to my modem, Ethernet cable from modem to PC) and i need to login using any browser to use the net. The browser window has to be left open for the connection to stay active.

I need a 300 Mbps capable router and my budget is 2k. I'm leaning towards the Cisco Linksys E900.

I need advise as to whether this modem will work on my connection. What are the features i should be looking out for to ensure that its compatible?? is there any other good modem in this category?

Please help, i cant afford to make a mistake and buy a modem that isn't compatible with my ISP.
You can go for a wireless router which has a WAN port (which is pretty much any wireless router). The login page doesn't depend on any router features.

PS : The ISP may have setup mac binding, so you have to call the ISP customer care to reset it or clone your ethernet card MAC id to the router.
You can go for a wireless router which has a WAN port (which is pretty much any wireless router). The login page doesn't depend on any router features.

PS : The ISP may have setup mac binding, so you have to call the ISP customer care to reset it or clone your ethernet card MAC id to the router.
so will i be able to do the above two things with the Cisco Linksys E900??