RROD due to update

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I used to run my xbox 360 in SD through composite and it was working fine untill

i updated it 1 week ago and then after playing a game it stopped and then 0102 RROD .

But as i was sure it was due to the update cause the the last update i made was in november 2008 and there were articles on the net about getting rrod after the updates in feb2009

So i google about rrod i found about resetting the console after update failure (hold sync button and then push power and dont let of the sync till the dashboard is displayed)i tried it and then it began to work normally i played for half an hour and then turned off and on again then RROD

Then it just randomly gives rrod and sometimes just works normally for a random period of time.there no fixed time and it is definitely not due to overheating or hardware failure Its just an software fault.:@

ANY one knowing about this particular problem please help me I have no warranty .IS there away to revert back to the original firmware without the NXE:huh:


The console is an NTSC-J modded.So no warranty.

My console gets 3 Red light it should have been permanent but its Not

i have to try several times to power it on and off.After several attempt it successfully boots into dashboard and can play for random period of time.Untill it freezes and the when again after restarting 3 red light ITS definitely due to a system update bug
yadusaiyan said:
I used to run my xbox 360 in SD through composite and it was working fine untill
i updated it 1 week ago and then after playing a game it stopped and then 0102 RROD .

But as i was sure it was due to the update cause the the last update i made was in november 2008 and there were articles on the net about getting rrod after the updates in feb2009

So i google about rrod i found about resetting the console after update failure (hold sync button and then push power and dont let of the sync till the dashboard is displayed)i tried it and then it began to work normally i played for half an hour and then turned off and on again then RROD

Then it just randomly gives rrod and sometimes just works normally for a random period of time.there no fixed time and it is definitely not due to overheating or hardware failure Its just an software fault.:@

ANY one knowing about this particular problem please help me I have no warranty .IS there away to revert back to the original firmware without the NXE:huh:

I'm not sure whether you can revert back to your old firmware once NXE is installed. Why don't you have the console exchanged if it's within warranty period [RROD warranty - 3 years]
neoronin said:
I'm not sure whether you can revert back to your old firmware once NXE is installed. Why don't you have the console exchanged if it's within warranty period [RROD warranty - 3 years]

The console is an NTSC-J modded.So no warranty.
My console gets 3 Red light it should have been permanent but its Not
i have to try several times to power it on and off.After several attempt it successfully boots into dashboard and can play for random period of time.Untill it freezes and the when again after restarting 3 red light ITS definitely due to a system update bug
There is actually no way to reverting back to old firmware. I think your console is giving up its ghost. Just take it to a local repair guy to check whether anything can be re-soldered in the circuits. If not, get yourself a new PS3.
^^ Um I think the reason he has a modded Xbox 360 is to play 'Ahem' games since PS3 games are mostly > 2k and almost 3k for any good title which is a little prohibitive.
Sigh ! This RROD crap is really bad. MS should upgrade the device or they should at least repair Out of warranty devices just so that they have less negative publicity. AFAIK, Nikon replaces even grey market DSLRs if there is some major problem since their reputation is at stake.
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