71-90K RT 3000 series GPU prices all time high and shortages

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Anyone who is a core seller and knows when can we expect the stock on some RTX 3070 or 3080 with more right prices rather than inflated ones. Even 3060Ti or 3060 is selling ridiculously high and above average budget gaming pc is impossible to make.
A PS5 is approximatly the performance of a 2070 super (comparison avaliable on request)
At 50k you get a 16 core cpu,a RTX 2070 supper gpu, 16GB of DDR6 RAM, 1TB NVME gen4 storage, a cabinet, a powersupply and a fantastic controller, and Sony doesnot even charge extra for assembly :)
Sure there is no room for a hardware upgrade bsides the actual available 600GB storage. Even the games are upto 30 % more expensive.
But it's just a very small price to pay and that too spread over a period of time (as and when you buy these games)
Given the state of things either you wait till May for the craze to colapse or get your hands on a PS5 (if you can) :)
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A PS5 is approximatly the performance of a 2070 super (comparison avaliable on request)
At 50k you get a 16 core cpu,a RTX 2070 supper gpu, 16GB of DDR5 RAM, 1TB NVME gen4 storage, a cabinet, a powersupply and a fantastic controller, and Sony doesnot even charge extra for assembly :)
Sure there is no room for a hardware upgrade bsides the actual available 600GB storage. Even the games are upto 30 % more expensive.
But it's just a very small price to pay and that too spread over a period of time (as and when you buy these games)
Given the state of things either you wait till May for the craze to colapse or get your hands on a PS5 (if you can) :)
I agree but i struggle with console Field of View and I play more competitive PVP games. console is good for casual gaming i would say.
Imagine playing with a controller, it's like choosing to be handicapped because you're bored with not being one.

Anyway, OP, I'm in the same boat as you. Planned to purchase the 3060 ti myself but obviously sanity needs to restored in GPU world. I don't think it will for this whole year though.
A PS5 is approximatly the performance of a 2070 super (comparison avaliable on request)
At 50k you get a 16 core cpu,a RTX 2070 supper gpu, 16GB of DDR6 RAM, 1TB NVME gen4 storage, a cabinet, a powersupply and a fantastic controller, and Sony doesnot even charge extra for assembly :)
Sure there is no room for a hardware upgrade bsides the actual available 600GB storage. Even the games are upto 30 % more expensive.
But it's just a very small price to pay and that too spread over a period of time (as and when you buy these games)
Given the state of things either you wait till May for the craze to colapse or get your hands on a PS5 (if you can) :)
You're not adding the costs of online subscription services to the console over the years. Also a console is NOT a PC. The person using it would only be able to game on it and would perhaps spend another 30-50K on a PC for his daily tasks other than gaming.
Also the 16GB DDR6 RAM is not actually all just RAM. It's a shared pool (of RAM + vRAM).
Finally the storage upgrade costs would be a lot to add on. Games these days are easily 100+GB on average. Don't forget COD 250GB xD
i'm in the same situation Got a new 4k 120hz 55" tv for pc and gaming. now my old 1070 is unable to handle 4k 60fps. so i literally searched everywhere, including (USA and UK) also lol. Didnt find a single piece of 3060ti or 3070 or 3080.

Got a 6700xt msi gaming X from MDcomputers for 78000/- Delivery is tomorrow. Now after a lot of research im thinking it is a waste of money:( for that card but i cant find any other good card in the price rage of 60-80k

Any suggestion if i should take or return it? i want to keep the card for at least 2years
i'm in the same situation Got a new 4k 120hz 55" tv for pc and gaming. now my old 1070 is unable to handle 4k 60fps. so i literally searched everywhere, including (USA and UK) also lol. Didnt find a single piece of 3060ti or 3070 or 3080.

Got a 6700xt msi gaming X from MDcomputers for 78000/- Delivery is tomorrow. Now after a lot of research im thinking it is a waste of money:( for that card but i cant find any other good card in the price rage of 60-80k

Any suggestion if i should take or return it? i want to keep the card for at least 2years
That's your decision to make. For a card that should be worth around 40-45K maybe even 50K at worst in India its selling for more than double the MSRP. Now given that you already paid for it seems like it won't break your bank.
Do you think 40K per year cost of that card if your keep for 2 years is justified? Will you be able to flip that card for even half the price (current MSRP which means full price) 2 years later to recoup the cost?
Your choice mate.
You're not adding the costs of online subscription services to the console over the years. Also a console is NOT a PC. The person using it would only be able to game on it and would perhaps spend another 30-50K on a PC for his daily tasks other than gaming.
Also the 16GB DDR6 RAM is not actually all just RAM. It's a shared pool (of RAM + vRAM).
Finally the storage upgrade costs would be a lot to add on. Games these days are easily 100+GB on average. Don't forget COD 250GB xD
Online subscriptions are available for pc gaming as well as console gaming so it's upto you to opt for it or not. May be you are also forgetting at the core these modern consoles are just custom PC's. Remember not so modern PS3 originally came with a Linux installed. OP specified a gaming PC and I did not forget that. For daily tasks a raspberry Pi would suffice. With 35k OP can buy 10 of them.
i'm in the same situation Got a new 4k 120hz 55" tv for pc and gaming. now my old 1070 is unable to handle 4k 60fps. so i literally searched everywhere, including (USA and UK) also lol. Didnt find a single piece of 3060ti or 3070 or 3080.

Got a 6700xt msi gaming X from MDcomputers for 78000/- Delivery is tomorrow. Now after a lot of research im thinking it is a waste of money:( for that card but i cant find any other good card in the price rage of 60-80k

Any suggestion if i should take or return it? i want to keep the card for at least 2years

You should have spent 20k more and gotten a 6800 XT - way faster and prices are not as scalped as the 6700 XT.
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Online subscriptions are available for pc gaming as well as console gaming so it's upto you to opt for it or not. May be you are also forgetting at the core these modern consoles are just custom PC's. Remember not so modern PS3 originally came with a Linux installed. OP specified a gaming PC and I did not forget that. For daily tasks a raspberry Pi would suffice. With 35k OP can buy 10 of them.
What? The only game that i know which requires an online subscription to play the games online is world of Warcraft, and to be frank, i do not know anyone who plays wow at all. It seems you confused the necessary subscription required to play online on consoles and the xbox gamepass on pc. And why are u mentioning a ps3 here? That is irrelevant to the discussion. If u can make the ps5 run linux or windows then you can tell me that it's a "custom pc". Game prices are also imo too high honestly for the indian market and there's also pirated games on pc. And why buy a raspberry pi when you can just get an entire machine which can just do it all instead?

The only arguments for consoles are honestly just for casual gamers and exclusives really. If you don't want to build a pc for work as well as any other stuff really and all you want to do is just game, then yes, a console is what's for you if you're willing to pay the price for the games as well.
The exclusives on sony's platforms is the only thing which has tempted me over the years to buy a ps4 for me personally
What? The only game that i know which requires an online subscription to play the games online is world of Warcraft, and to be frank, i do not know anyone who plays wow at all. It seems you confused the necessary subscription required to play online on consoles and the xbox gamepass on pc. And why are u mentioning a ps3 here? That is irrelevant to the discussion. If u can make the ps5 run linux or windows then you can tell me that it's a "custom pc". Game prices are also imo too high honestly for the indian market and there's also pirated games on pc. And why buy a raspberry pi when you can just get an entire machine which can just do it all instead?

The only arguments for consoles are honestly just for casual gamers and exclusives really. If you don't want to build a pc for work as well as any other stuff really and all you want to do is just game, then yes, a console is what's for you if you're willing to pay the price for the games as well.
The exclusives on sony's platforms is the only thing which has tempted me over the years to buy a ps4 for me personally
Almost all PS4 exclusives are coming to PC as well.
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i'm in the same situation Got a new 4k 120hz 55" tv for pc and gaming. now my old 1070 is unable to handle 4k 60fps. so i literally searched everywhere, including (USA and UK) also lol. Didnt find a single piece of 3060ti or 3070 or 3080.

Got a 6700xt msi gaming X from MDcomputers for 78000/- Delivery is tomorrow. Now after a lot of research im thinking it is a waste of money:( for that card but i cant find any other good card in the price rage of 60-80k

Any suggestion if i should take or return it? i want to keep the card for at least 2years
The same card was available at primeabgb for 67k till today morning. It is sold out now. 78k for 6700XT is absolute waste of money. Not having a graphics card is not end of the world for anyone. Suggest you to cancel that order and wait till you see better pricing. RTx 3080 used to cost around 80k if I am right and this 6700XT is no match for 3080. Wait for 3060Ti to be available for decent price if you are into 2K gaming and if you love ray tracing. It used to sell for 35k. Things will start to stabilize in two months time.

The same card was available at primeabgb for 67k till today morning. It is sold out now. 78k for 6700XT is absolute waste of money. Not having a graphics card is not end of the world for anyone. Suggest you to cancel that order and wait till you see better pricing. RTx 3080 used to cost around 80k if I am right and this 6700XT is no match for 3080. Wait for 3060Ti to be available for decent price if you are into 2K gaming and if you love ray tracing. It used to sell for 35k. Things will start to stabilize in two months time.

3060ti usual price is 39k+, it's FE price itself is 36k.
Until crypto bull run is there. i don't see any reason gfx cards will come to normal. Maybe if govt bans crypto mining then we will see flood of mined gfx cards.
the MSRP is hitting an all-time high with really absurd prices.
Scalping is horrible and rampant even in trusted websites like Vedant, MDcomputers, TheITDepot, PCStudio, and PrimeABGB.

Banning Crypto mining is the way to go but doubt it will have an effect, don't see how you can ban it and police the ban.
Until crypto bull run is there. i don't see any reason gfx cards will come to normal. Maybe if govt bans crypto mining then we will see flood of mined gfx cards.
Crypto mining is not the main reason for the inflated prices in India. Yes, it plays a role because it's a global factor but mining in India is not as popular as globally.
Main reason is distributers want to get rid of inventories sitting with them since years. They are trying to create artificial demand so that anyone who wants to buy GPU has to pay the full premium price even for sub-par outdated products.
Sellers/Retailers are getting the GPUs but for inflated prices only (also only if they buy other things from the distributer), they have no choice but to recoup money from customer which obviously someone is always willing to pay hence the prices are stable and rising only.
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