
My MSI Gaming X Trio 2070S started to malfunction a couple weeks ago. It would crash The Division 2 a lot, which at that time I thought was an issue with the game itself. So I updated the display drivers in hopes of fixing things, but then Windows started to not boot; the computer would go past the BIOS splash screen, but when it was time to load the OS, it would freeze and become unresponsive, then restart after a while.

The only way to get the OS to boot is by going into safe mode and removing the NVIDIA display drivers. If I try to reinstall the drivers, it freezes the computer mid installation. I've tried driver versions from as far back as 2 years ago and also the NVIDIA clean driver installer tool all with the same result.

So I went on FB marketplace, and a couple folks there told me that it's an issue with the GPU's core chip and offered me some cash for the card. They told me they plan to harvest the card for spare parts, because the core chip is not worth replacing in India due to unavailability.

Is the card repairable? Or should I be looking to sell it?
If you've already cleaned and repasted the card and the issue remains, then it's probably degraded and not able to sustain a certain clockspeed at the stock voltage settings. Usually this happens closer to max clockspeed but can happen at lower clockspeeds too. If this is the issue, you may be able to use it for a bit longer by downclocking it. Use a -200Mhz offset and see if that works. You can also try slightly increasing the voltage offset at the same time.

If the settings work and your card seems to be stable, you can consider dumping the card's BIOS, changing the settings there and flashing it back.

Don't bother with repairs if this does not work. Just sell it and get a better performing used GPU.