I'm trying to figure out if I can launch a pre-built Alteryx workflow without launching the Designer - and without having Alteryx Server. I came across a helpful post on Alteryx uses by @Runonthespot that, among other things, addressed running workflows from the command line, but doesn't go into detail. That discussion is here: I don't have the rep to comment on his post and the question is closed. He writes: "Flows are runnable from the commandline on a server, and easiest way I've found (besides using Alteryx's own scheduler) is to save as an "App", and then run from the command line using the Alteryx engine executable, passing it parameters via xml file. You can save a sample xml parameter file from your flow by hitting the magic wand button (after saving the flow as a .yxwz (app)) This brings up a panel that lets you set the variables, and that panel has a handy "save" button which generates an xml file in the right format."
please clarify
please clarify