AMD has announced pricing of Rs. 28,990 for reference Radeon RX 480 graphics cards with 8GB of GDDR5 RAM in India, but that figure comes with a surprising disclaimer which states "Please note that the announced price doesn't factor duty, freight, distribution margins, retailer margins, local taxes etc." Considering that the global price of $239 works out to approximately Rs. 16,120, there should be no reason for such a wide price gap. Asus, Sapphire, Gigabyte, MSI and PowerColor will be releasing reference Radeon RX 480 cards as well as versions with their own cooling solutions, but stocks are not expected to be available in the market for a few weeks, according to a channel source Gadgets 360 spoke with.
Talk about how to shoot yourself in the foot. They could have at least made it cheaper than the 970. The situation is same everywhere outside of US. Most international pricing puts it above the 970 and 390, which makes it difficult to claim the "value king" title. If the 1060 comes out at 35k price point this will be a washout.
Well, if there are takers, I guess it could go down by 1K or 2K at max I think. For now, we dont have any listing as yet.Is the 30k pricing for the 8 gb models only? Does that mean the 4gb models are cheaper?
Well, if there are takers, I guess it could go down by 1K or 2K at max I think. For now, we dont have any listing as yet.
They think they can rule mid range. But only till 1060 surfaces I guess. AMD has done it in the past and they will do it again - a price cut after they see Nvidias response to this.Sigh.. I am still not sure how they managed to achieve an almost double pricing in India for the 480.
They think they can rule mid range. But only till 1060 surfaces I guess. AMD has done it in the past and they will do it again - a price cut after they see Nvidias response to this.
distributor pricing is what we can think of. But any price cut by the AMD will show some changes here as well.Wonder if this is due to AMD regional pricing or the distributor pricing it this high?
Wonder if this is due to AMD regional pricing or the distributor pricing it this high?
A single rx 480 costs 23k after customs. But we if order like 5 the price comes down to 19k per gpu.Can we start a group order maybe. I really need a GFX card but i'm not paying double.
I doubt AMD would botch their one opportunity to finally make money, probably distributors and retailers ripping us off.
Data on Zauba shows per unit prices at around 15k, absolutely no reason to price it above 21k after taxes.