ms_mahu said:I think you can get it from I had brought a component cable for ps/2 sometime back from them.
xXx said:You need an Component cable, Svideo Cable, never heard for PS2 ???
Ck Nish said:AV cables should be available at a Sony store. Are there any other Sony stores you know of? Try some popular gaming stores as well.
Also, you don't need component cables. Only some games support HD and even then, it's only 480p.
n00b said:^^
You will experience lag. That is one of the reason why im not into the whole "tv turner + monitor setup". Component cables are the best in regards to qualtiy and they have nothing to do with the kind of games you will be playing (might they be 480i or 480p).
I got my component cables from play-asia for about 200 bucks. They work good, best part is that im using that for my PS3.
Please post back after getting them and tell me if you experiencing lag or not, if you are not then i guess ill get myself an ext tv turner box aswell.
P.S One last thing, if you are ordering from play-asia no matter what it is always choose the envelope type of packaging. Higher chances of avoiding customs compared to the box packaging.
n00b said:Buy Component AV Cable (PS2 & PS3) - Order Now!
Buy Component AV Cable - Order Now!
The first one is official cable from sony, the second is from 3rd party guys. I got the second one. Alright then thanks for clearing that up for me. But the thing is, i didnt want to go for a "good" Tv Turner box, id rather get a monitor with component inputs, or Go for Neoya X2VGA 2 Home (rs.3400) But since the second option invloves ordering from online and customs can pose to be a problem; im just saving up for the right monitor.
Lets see how my mood swings. One more thing, i created my own component cables for the PS2, they worked but i didnt like the fact that i had to solder pins into the ps2's display output ~ ~ seems getting a tv tunner wid component cable or someing like that ( the link tat u have given..costing 3k inr) is the only option for me..if you find someone who can get a kind device for me,let me known00b said:Lets hope not, ahh fcuk, forgot to say one more thing, you should have requested play-asia to mark it as a gift, there is no chance in hell that customs can hold it if it is marked as a gift item. Anyways just hope for the best. And as for pics pics, no chance, i dont have a handphone with a camera, nor do i have any of those fancy pancy camera's and stuff. I just followed the guide for creating wii component cables but applied the same logic for the PS2. It was a pretty okay project i suppose. I was super dissapointed that i wasted two days worth of ma time when i could have spent 200 bucks on the cables themselves.
As for the monitors, googling is too easy. But finding what you find in google;in india is the hardest part. there a few monitors in india with a decent price (def of decent : where price isnt hiked x2 due to taxes).
Lg245 31K (but people have given it mixed reviews, some say its bad, some say its good), Dell 2408WFP (still hasnt been released here). Apart from these two monitors, i dont really see anything else. Oh yea, i think i better mention this, component is not the only requirement for me. I want FULL HD, thats the reason both the monitors i suggested are 24 inch, and carry such a heavy price tag. I still havent met my friend who imports stuff in the black, to get his price listing. Once i meet him i think i would have decided what to buy.