Safari (the browser) on windows

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^^ From the link

Pricing & Availability

The free public beta of Safari 3 is available immediately as a download at Apple - Safari 3 Public Beta, and is preview software licensed for use on a trial basis for a limited time. The final version of Safari 3 will be available as a feature in the upcoming Mac OS® X version 10.5 Leopard, and will be available as a free download to Mac OS X Tiger and Windows users in October.

This could definitely be some good news, more competiotion, especially better competiotion brings out the best in everyone, giving in the end the consumers an edge :hap2:
i just downloaded safari, i think it maybe faster than firefox, not sure about it, but the pages are not sharp i dont know why, i am gonna use it for a couple of days and then give an opinion about its performance, other users of safari please share ur expereinces aswell
i was really excited to read this. Downloaded. Its fast for sure but it at the moment has some rendering issues. TEXT appears bold and its not crisp. Have a look.

IMO its the font smoothing,

Go to edit>preferences>appearence and change the font smoothing to see if u get better results.

By default its optimized for LCDs (but on mine,it looks a bit blurred too)
tried all 3 options. Not much change. It was my first guess as well but its not helping much.

Dont go by the jpeg image. It looks lot worse due to compression of the image. but still its not as sharp as i would like it to be.
This is fast as hell allright . :) and this is still beta . has crashed on me , but i am sure , the final release will be something worth looking out for .. :D
The only reason they are doing this is because Steve Jobs doesn't want true third party apps on the iPhone - but to counter all the negative press he declared - look! We'll allow 3rd party apps! They just all have to be webapps that run in Safari. To allow enough developers access, they had to release Safari on Windows.
Actually, I was on a big software company's internal mailing lists, where everyone thought Steve Jobs had gone off the deep end if he thought web apps would be able to compete - the tech is just not there.

There is a reason why Google Apps (Google's web based office suite) hasn't taken over the world - that reason is MS Office.

And Safari is nice, but FF is faster for me. I just like the polished look that Safari has, but that is all. And 2 hours to break is just too bad even for a Beta.
yeah the fonts are very blurry, tried changing the settings but to no avail, apple should get rid of this font smoothing thing, then it would definetely be competition for firefox
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