Laptops Salvaging and Disposing my laptop. How to ?


So I have 6 year old Toshiba laptop which has sort of stopped working. It does not have a battery so I can only use mains. 9 out 10 times it does not start and if it starts, it does not boot. If it boots it would be like winning lottery.

Also for the few seconds it starts, the left side vent which has some sort of heat sink I believe turns very hot.

I have given up on this laptop and want to salvage whatever I can and just throw it away. No point selling since it doesn't really work.

It has a 2GB RAM but I don't know the other specs of ram. I think it is Hynix company. Will post picture later.
Also had a 320 GB HDD which I think I will use with a cheap enclosure. I was able to remove both of these since it was accessible easily and had separate screw and compartments.

I cannot open the laptop anymore so I am not trying. I may try to sell on olx for parts for like 1000 Rs or even less. But I guess I won't receive any response.

So anything else I can salvage and if not then how can I properly dispose off ?
Did you try replacing the bad capacitors? most Toshiba Satellite series had those wicked problem when it wont boot on AC Power & run fine only on battery power.

Its a capacitor issue mostly. TOKIN OE128 (1200uf 2.5v capacitor) which can replaced using 4 330uf caps. Solves the problem generally.

Did you try replacing the bad capacitors? most Toshiba Satellite series had those wicked problem when it wont boot on AC Power & run fine only on battery power.

Its a capacitor issue mostly. TOKIN OE128 (1200uf 2.5v capacitor) which can replaced using 4 330uf caps. Solves the problem generally.


Can I do it myself ? I have no experience to do such micro level stuff. Spending money is the last thing I want to do on this junk. So I would do only if it is totally worth it.
Btw yes it is satellite series laptop 15.6" screen or something.
Can I do it myself ? I have no experience to do such micro level stuff. Spending money is the last thing I want to do on this junk. So I would do only if it is totally worth it.
Btw yes it is satellite series laptop 15.6" screen or something.

I think its the same problem, if display & all other things are ok, you can consider it repairing & sell at better price. Once caps are replaced works like a charm.

Dont know if you yourself could do it. Assembling & Dissembling it is a headache. Had same problem with my lptp but those caps solved it. A tech guy near my home did it for me.
@raksrules : I have done this sort of stuff. Here's the link. I can help you out with the fix.

Thanks for the thread link and all the info. But to be frank i cannot do all this myself. I do not have heat gun and all the required stuff and neither the expertise. I cannot even open this laptop. I can if required buy the component and take it to a reliable computer repair guy who will open the computer and fix it. Is it possible to get it done at lamington road on the spot somewhere ? Like i buy the component and then and there go to someone to get it fixed may be in same area ?
I want to spend as little as possible as without battery and such the laptop is pretty much useless, yes i can run off the power always but still don't want to spend much.
You can buy the components from 'CHIP COMPONENTS' . You can contact Sangam ( 8689898925). Dont forget to refer my name. All the best.