Storage Solutions Samsung 830 SSD

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I wanted the Samsung 830 256GB sata III SSD for my X220 laptop
Where in Mumbai can i get the same ?

Can someone help me out with some dealer names and numbers ?

i doubt it will work with your x220.
as far as i know,x220 needs 1.8 inch.
so maximum is intel 160 gb at last check.
^^ upgrade to a msata ssd. I did the same with my x220. it let's you keep your ssd/hdd which shipped with the laptop and benefit from an additional storage factor in the form of an msata ssd. msata ssds are priced on par with standard ssds and perform on par with standard ssds. I got myself a mydigital msata ssd from amazon - cost me about 6k shipped using sns. you can get a wide variety of msata ssds. make sure you upgrade to a bios version greater than 1.25 for better msata support / performance.
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