samsung corby or Star ??

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hey guys !!
I am confused between the two of them

wether to go for Samsung Corby or Samsung Star ??

Corby has great looks, plus have heard that it has a much better UI, its touch screen response is really good ...
Star has a better camera, but people are not happy with its touch screen, sound quality ...
Guys please share your reviews on the above and help me select between the two ...

Samsung Corby has an improved UI over the Samsung Start. Even the touch screen is pretty responsive and you can have three home screens and also different widgets just like the constlier Omnia HD. Cory also has good integration with Social networks like FB, Twitter and MySpace. BUt the biggest caveat that i found is that it does not have a Wi-Fi connectivity so you would end up paying money for your operator's mobile internet plans. Barring this, the phone's pretty cool. Also, it does not have a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack. I think Star 3G is a good option and if you are ready to wait then the higher version of the Corby, the CorbyTXT and CorbyPRO are on their way to India :)
incase im gettin both the phones for almost the same price ....
dont u guys think that Star has more features ???
n a better camera ??
guys need 2 make a decsion by 2day ..
plz help me out o dis confusion ....
Even I think Star is better, corby is good just in looks, otherwise star is awesome, i have been using it since 5 months, its awesome. If you can stretch your budget a little further I wud say go for star wifi if you need wifi..
Ya go for the star. More features considering the difference is just 100 bucks, i would go for the star.
By the way thanks for the info now many members are buying a new phone i guess just because you gave the address. ;-)
ggt said:
Ya go for the star. More features considering the difference is just 100 bucks, i would go for the star.
By the way thanks for the info now many members are buying a new phone i guess just because you gave the address. ;-)
thanks ....
would love to help people out ...(hope i get some reps ... lol )
yea, i know most of the people are thinking to buy a new cell, coz the prices are amazing .....
just waiting for a first shipping experience ...
n would order my samsung star ...
n if i find the dealer good, will think about another for my sis..
Check the post "hi" in the mobile section. It has an address
Of a store in vashi which is selling phones at unheard rates. You could be helpful if you can confirm the dealer is genuine or a grey market one.
finally it turned out to be a fraud ....
And guess what ...
u guys list me as well in the fraudulent members ...
hehe !!
guys even i am searching for a phone ...
n how can i go and purchase a cell in mumbai, if i stay in delhi ...
when i heard d succes story, i said i would book a phone for me ...
if u read d thread carefully , i was the actual guy asking you about the ques ...
n ur quoting me as the thief ...
It was not quoted for you butthose newbieswho apparently bought the phone. The site evoked suspicion coz of 12.5% vat in the no legal dealer can sell at those rates.better you find a reliable local dealer to buy your phone. Seems we saved you from getting robbed. You should thank us by that virtue.
ggt said:
It was not quoted for you butthose newbieswho apparently bought the phone. The site evoked suspicion coz of 12.5% vat in the no legal dealer can sell at those rates.better you find a reliable local dealer to buy your phone. Seems we saved you from getting robbed. You should thank us by that virtue.
ur right ...
i actually would have paid to that site ...
i had already mailed and placed an order after reading the success story ..
thanks ...

rocker123 said:
ur right ...
i actually would have paid to that site ...
i had already mailed and placed an order after reading the success story ..
thanks ...

But surprising that those site guys were able to find the discussion on tech enclave asap ...
strange !!
very pro active thieves ..
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