Samsung Demonstrates 4G Wireless Technology

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100mbps speeds at 70 miles an hour, and even 1gbps speeds

Today in South Korea, Samsung Electronics demonstrated new 4G mobile phone technology to the press. What's most impressive is that Samsung claims 4G can deliver speeds of up to100Mbps, which is already faster than most consumer high-speed Internet access connections.

The demonstration took place on a bus that was traveling roughly 37 miles per hour and streamed media such as high-definition TV and data network access. Samsung claims that this is even possible traveling at speeds of 70 miles per hour. President of Samsung's telecommunications network business division Lee Ki-Tai told reporters that "we hope to drive development and standardization of 4G mobile technology. Successful commercial launch of mobile WiMAX will lead to another success story of 4G communications."

Samsung said that it had invested more than $100 million to develop and push out 4G mobile technology. The company also claimed that 4G will replace the WiMAX standard being supported by Intel. In actuality, Samsung is also a supporter of the WiMAX standard but believes that 4G will succeed WiMAX in global support and longevity.

During the two day demonstration, Samsung also showed off a 1Gbps wireless technology that it is currently researching. The company claimed that the technology in development could be 50 times faster than WiMAX. Samsung noted that while 4G technology was extremely promising, it would not be in wide use until roughly 2010. - Samsung demos 4G technology, plans late 2008 launch
DailyTech - Samsung Demonstrates 4G Wireless Technology
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