Storage Solutions Samsung EVO 850 SSD Slow Speed

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I had bought this 850 EVO SSD few year ago. I never tested its speed before. Today i just made my mood to check my SSD health & speed and found that my SSD is slower compare to other people who have shown their result on forum, YouTube.

I tried to find solution and tried every solution which was mentioned over internet.
ACHI Checked
SATA 3 Checked
Trim Checked

But still my speed is slower than other people.

Hardware specs :
Intel i5 3570k
Asrock z77 extreme4
16gb corsair vengeance ram
Samsung EVO 850

OS : Win7 (Installed few year ago, Working fine.)

Attaching Screen Shot Please Help



This is my Friend EVO 850 SSD Benchmark result. Mine should be same as him
no my friend drive is also old. And how it can degrade so much? If it degrade by 100MB/s in 2 years then it will degrade completely in 10 year. It have 5 year warranty.

You can see that total written bytes are 3.79TB. This is not so much.
Check with AS SSD, are your partitions aligned? Are you on MSAHCI driver or the Intel RST driver? Can you post a screen of your AS SSD please.
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(nevermind - in my case msinfo32 on win10 was only showing the extended partition and not the actual logical partitions of my linux installs - running the parted tool's align-check command on linux itself says its ok there too)[DOUBLEPOST=1470644606][/DOUBLEPOST]
I checked my partiton aligment and found that c drive is not align. Rest of are ok

OK try "re-aligning" your C: partition, but take backups before trying that! Also can you quickly try AS-SSD or other benchmark by changing the dropdown drive letter choice to one of the proper partitions and see if the speed shows any difference?
I have above posted screenshot of my c partion. which i thought is misaligned after looking at offset value but according to AS SSD it is align correctly. What to do now?
32,256 is partition starting offset.

Will check by drop down driver option. Currently installing net frame[DOUBLEPOST=1470646400][/DOUBLEPOST]tried different partition with AS SSD. Did not really make any difference
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Your SSD is on asahci64, which means you're using an Asmedia Sata port not the native Intel ones. Check mobo manual and connect to the intel ports. It is best practice anyway and might (might) solve your issues.

Once you've got your SSD on the intel ports, confirm the Intel Drivers are working by launching AS SSD, it should show iaStorA where you're getting asahci64.

Then you can trim your drives manually again and do a speedtest. Gluck
Thank you powersurge. It solved my problem.


Do you know about dyanmic volume and basic disk? I have unknowing converted my disk dynamic. Is it slower than basic or fast?
Good to know your speeds are back! If I recall correctly, setting a disk to dynamic or basic should not change/affect your speeds. I think in windows dynamic volumes mean you can extend that volume/partition across multiple physical disks. I'm not a 100 percent sure though, maybe someone more knowledgeable can help out with that. :)
Good to know your speeds are back! If I recall correctly, setting a disk to dynamic or basic should not change/affect your speeds. I think in windows dynamic volumes mean you can extend that volume/partition across multiple physical disks. I'm not a 100 percent sure though, maybe someone more knowledgeable can help out with that. :)

You are correct, basic vs dynamic has no effect on performance at all. It's actually just related to partitioning and the ability to put a drive into a software RAID or volume set (JBOD). For single drives, basic is just fine. Dynamic won't hurt anything if you've enabled it, but it's unnecessary unless you're adding it to a drive set.
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