Samsung Galaxy S <-Underclocked?

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Hi guys,

I got my samsung galaxy s yesterday night. I installed the app system manager free to check the hardware specs.

This is what I am seeing.

Total 326MB


ARM V 7 Processor rev 2 (v71) 1000mhz (once saw 800 mhz)

The momory is supposed to be 512!!!! wats wrong with this??

Also how do i close the apps??

PS: I will post a detailed review asap.
The total amount of RAM is indeed 512MB. But the radio allocates some RAM for itself on boot. This means only the remaining memory will be available for the OS. That is why you see 326MB as the amount of usable RAM. This is perfectly normal as most Android phones do the same. And the CPU frequency dynamically varies to save battery life.
Interesting thing is the CPU clocks. Reviewers like AnandTech inferred form their performance tests that the A4 in iPhone 4 is either fixed at around 750~800Mhz or throttling based on load. I was wondering whether the Galaxy S did something similar.
Galaxy is said to have variable frequency depending on the Os requirement. 512 RAM is shown due to Android 2.1 limitation. Android 2.2 will show the correct RAM.
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