Samsung Galaxy Tab RAM Usage Trouble

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The thing is:

When the phone starts it uses around 200-220mb out of 444.

Within a couple of minutes it becomes fast and everything is normal.

But, on opening the web browser the memory usage automatically shoots by 60-70 mb or so and totals around 280 or so. This is still okay I guess.

But within 10-15 minutes of continous use, only browsing on a single browser and single window, nothing else running, the memory usage starts increasing 300 - 320 and finally 400+, without switching on anything else.

Around 350-400 mb usage the device starts to be really slow and laggy, hangs, crashes etc.

And even at 220 mb usage, web browsers stutter/jerk while scrolling.

These are the two problems. It started happening just a day or so back, perhaps I guess after I routed it using Superoneclick 1.7, not sure but I guess so.

What should I do? :(
This must be due to some process running on background. Install any task manager/process explorer to check which apps are running. Kill these apps to free more ram. However i would suggest to flash custom ROM along with custom kernel which gives you fast response/experience while using apps. I have flashed with Overcome ROM with custom kernel and it is best ROM so far for SGT.
I unrooted again and set it to factory default. Now it is even worse :(

How to flash to a custom rom with custom kernel? Can you guide?

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Now my ram idles around 300-350 mb with or without root after default settings. What should I do?
Rooting and unrooting wont help you. I just give administrative previliges to access /modify system files.
To flash custom ROM, first you need to backup your data. For all of your queries and guide refer XDA forum.
[Here] is the guide to install Overcome ROM on SGT.
Weird!!The stock rom does not have any memory issue,it freezes on rare occasions but that is not due to low memory.You can try overcome ROM,but it may not resolve the issue.
There might be no problem with stock ROM. Even i havent noticed any problem using browser with stock ROM. You can install any task manager and check which app is using your RAM.
But overcome ROM gives better kernel support.
Settings problem seems unlikely,as restoring to factory default does not solve the problem.Is it occurring from the first day?Did you remove any system apps?Are you using the stock browser?
Ya, using the stock browser.

Btw, now the phone has switched back to 2g. How do I switch it to 3g?

I can't seem to do it, it is on airtel!
Settings_wireless & network_ mobilenetwork_network mode,set it to WCDMA only.Done!

Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
Actually my no has got disconnected due to late submission of papers, to Airtel that is. So it will take some time I guess :(
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