Video Samsung H5100 & H5000 TV differences

Now I know the H5000 is basically the 2014 revision of the F5000. The 32" version of the F5000 was reviewed positively at hdtvtest. Which has a S-PVA panel. However, I read an owner's account of his 32" F5100 having a S-MVA panel. What I'm wondering is, is there any difference between the F/H 5000 and 5100, apart from "cricket mode"?
Samsung has a lottery system with panels, so there is no surety of getting a panel of your choice, you may get SPVA or SMVA or AMVA or U2VA.
I've read that elsewhere. But what do you have to say about differences in panels, even within the same model no.?
Even within a same model number you get lottery system, for example a 5 series model may have SPVA or SMVA or AMVA or U2VA panel.