Samsung Omnia HD Custom Roms/Firmware

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Hey guys,
Firstly, I wanted to know the difference between [custom ROMS/cooked ROMS] and custom firmwares. The thing is, I am pretty dissatisfied with the phone's battery life, which at the most gives me 1 day battery backup. I came across some custom firmwares like HyperX which manages to bring out nearly 2 days of battery backup. Some firmwares improve the video/camera performance as well.
So I was wondering if anyone had successfully managed to upgrade to the same, and it would be great if someone could suggest the best Custom firmware along with the procedure.

Thanks !
^^^ i had flashed mine with CFW when i was using Omnia HD. CFW are a lot better than stock roms. also Cooked rom = custom rom / firmware.
Flash ur and u wud be a lot happier with the 3D task manager lot of new Kastor Effects....
gizmoholic, would be a better place to search around for Custom firmwares, tweakes, etc and for advice.

Not a lot of people have the OmniaHD here, so don't expect much.
If you've never flashed to a Custom FW before, I'd recommend go through the flashing guide at the forum I link'ed to above and read up on all the pros and cons of flashing.

There isn't a perfect FW out there, but there are some pretty decent one's.
HX firmware's used to be totally kick azz, but of late due to over-integration of tweaks, hacks, etc the overall quality has gone down a little, e.g. HX V3-17, 19 and V4.

There are Custom FW's from some other guys as well, but I don't know how good they are, I myself haven't tried any of them buy I hear those from liamstears! and faenil are quite good.
Whatever you decide, definitely read up on the instructions and user reviews.

PS - Don't install too many apps that run in the background, they drain quite a lot of battery
I was using an app for a more pleasant and quicker way of unlocking the device, but since it's removal the phone runs atleast 4-6 more hous than usual.
I'm using HX v4 at present and the battery lasts for 48-50 hours easily.
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Thanks for the reply Hellgate. Which CFW were you using? I have installed N2O2 by Faenil, with which I can now see noticeable improvement in camera quality, 24 FPS Video recording and more importantly, blazing fast User Interface and better battery life.
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