Storage Solutions Samsung RMA Problem!!

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My windows was running slower than expected. after a little investigation i ran chkdsk /f /r on c:. it gave me 4 kb of bad cluster report.this samsung has a 3 years warranty and i am sure tht 1 or 2 month is left for the warranty to end.
but sadly i cant find the list of this disks warranty in samsungs site.i remember once i find this on samsungs site months ago .. but y its not working now. guys if possible give it a try.
hers the everest link

Samsung link is here .. SAMSUNG's Digital World - HDD Warranty Check
Thanks a lot mate.. i forgot abt putting the p/n number. was putting the s/n and was getting "not in database".
btw o u think 4 kb of bad sector can fetch me warranty? or do they really check the drive bit by bit before replacing?
also i have the bill but the person i bought this from doesnt runs the shop now so i shud take this irectly to samsung service centre? they'll help me?
Take it directly to the Service Centre. Tell them that the disc has got Bad Sectors and that you want them to test for it. Shouldn't be a problem. If the website shows your HDD to be in warranty, then you dont have to worry abt who u bought it from.
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