Samsung Tab 2 7.0 310 now available

bad price. the ipad which costs 499$ in the US costs 30k here. This, which costs 249$ is for 20k? Should've been for 15k. No way Samsung can command a higher premium than apple. But I guess the weak rupee will push all prices up slowly.

EDIT: Oops didnt see its the 3G model. good price :p
Guys, any good tabs giving competition to this one? :p

Looking for a full featured tab (3g, BT, etc) for the least amount of money. One thing that's annoying me about the galaxy tab 2 is the propreitary connector. Some of the chinese tabs with mini-usb instead of micro were bad enough, and this one is even worse in that regard. Also heard there's no charging over the pc connection?
@comp@ddict suggestions mate?
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Actually, I've used the ipad 2 and while it's an ok device, i can't stand the limitations of IOS. Android for me. My main dilemma is if i should gt the samtab2 or look at an alternative chinese brand with the same features and probably lower price. My main requirements are cap screen, built in 3g (sim slot) and BT. Basically a smart phone with a 7" screen lol.