Samsung Wave or Netbook..........

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hehe.....didn't really know where to post this thread....... i.e. in laptops or mobiles section :bleh:

anyways here's the situation........ i just moved to chennai from bangalore to work in ashok leyland company.......... but sadly the company is located in the outskirts of the city and i cant live near the have to travel in company bus too and fro everyday..........the worst part is that its almost 1 to 1:30 hours each side, so totally everyday i waste around 3 hours traveling...........:@
so i want to have something with me in bus so my time passes easily in the bus......... i was thinking of buying a new phone i.e. samsung wave before joining the company but wanted to see what the situation was.......... but now that i have joined the copmany and wasting 3 hours everyday.....

i am also thinking of buying a netbook on which i can see some movies, tv shows or play some arcadish games........

the price difference wont be much between the two.......... but am still wondering what to are pros and cons of the both
Samsung Wave

  • pros
  • awesome smart phone
  • listen to music
  • can see videos
  • GPS and Internet on the go(comes with airtel sim which i have)
  • can make calls too:bleh:

  • small screen
  • have to hold the phone to view any video or movie


  • pros
  • its a computer so more variety of applications
  • can store more data in it
  • with photon plus can have internet also on go(will have to buy extra)
  • bigger screen
  • can rest on lap and screen can be easily adjusted perpendicular to eyeline, so no need to hold it for long time
  • keyboard control

  • wont be able to use mouse
  • hardware wont be that gr8

was also thinking of iPad products also, but other than iPad none other is available in india............

what do you guys suggest.....
Unfortunately, if you wait for Adam, you will keep waiting. Doesn't seem to have a firm date for release.

I'd say that if your primary use is movies/games, an ipod touch is a better option than wave. It's got a bigger screen and is far superior to the wave for gaming. A netbook may be more flexible, but I doubt you'll find a comfortable position to use it on your bus.
Get the phone.

I had a similar commute getting to Electronic city and back. As i would take the bus, opening a laptop becomes a problem due to space constraints. So i got myself a Creative Zen... It would fit in my hand and worked flawlessly. But i had to juggle between my phone and the PMP.

So i got a Nokia 5800... (Bless the convergence).
Well ... i travel about 6 hours a day to and fro college ( yes i know my life sucks ) and i carry my netbook along with me because holding the cellphone for an extended period of time becomes a chore. TBH .. after a while a cellphone / PMP will become boring. Atleast with a netbook you will be able to get some utility...
dhruvrock2000 said:
Well ... i travel about 6 hours a day to and fro college ( yes i know my life sucks ) and i carry my netbook along with me because holding the cellphone for an extended period of time becomes a chore. TBH .. after a while a cellphone / PMP will become boring. Atleast with a netbook you will be able to get some utility...
thats what i was reffering to, the holding of phone of for long time which pains a lot after sometime.......... plus i have a 6 years old nokia 6233 which i want to replace....... so its really getting hard to choose between the two...........
Get the netbook now and get a lower end smartphone along with it or maybe a month later. The netbook is infinitely more useful than a cellphone unless you are buying something like an N900 which is pretty much a computer in your pocket.
dhruvrock2000 said:
Get the netbook now and get a lower end smartphone along with it or maybe a month later. The netbook is infinitely more useful than a cellphone unless you are buying something like an N900 which is pretty much a computer in your pocket.
was even thinking of N900 earlier........ but it has low battery backup as it is a computer in the pocket.........
Its ok .. not bad actually. I have overclocked mine and am running it at 1.1GHz and i get about 1 work day of usage while listening to music over stereo bluetooth headphones. But yeah... if u try to use it for like 6 hours or something , it'll definitely die on u. But then you can charge it over microUSB in the office right ?
dhruvrock2000 said:
Its ok .. not bad actually. I have overclocked mine and am running it at 1.1GHz and i get about 1 work day of usage while listening to music over stereo bluetooth headphones. But yeah... if u try to use it for like 6 hours or something , it'll definitely die on u. But then you can charge it over microUSB in the office right ?
hehe........ forgot to mention one more thing...... in my office camera phones and laptops not allowed..... so will be using them only in bus and cant charge in daytime........... although there are plans to remove this ban soon......
Awww.... :/ Well still... i would say get a decent netbook. Preferably an 11" screen one because it makes a huge difference when you are using it everyday in a moving bus...
You know there is no flash 10.1 support for wave yet? If you don't want to use too much internet then go for the phone.
ultimately whichever phone you buy, you will get bored of it soon. Best thing would be get a tablet. You can use the phone screen to watch videos occasionally but not daily, so ultimately you will be using the phone for music only(anything else??, games :P, I guess they are very few in nos except java games). Adam should be launched by Dec/Jan. more choice could be MSI x340.
i think any day the wave cause its screen 1st very easy to carry (pocketable) can play hd so not an issue screen better for ur eyes as its s AMOLED any time u can take pic there while travelling and most imp games serious fun to play nettop is actually silly in this dept browsing is not an issue with new opera and at last imp HDD are too fragile but solid cards r not don forget wifi n :P
If you are looking for something extremly portable(if) then Wave is th way to go.
i suggest get a PSP... it has big enough screen so u can watch movies/shows, play games, listen to music and if in a wifi zone use internet and make calls using skype... buy a deacent pair of headphone with it for clear sound(weather u buy netbook or wave or psp get headphones, in a bus u'll need them)... it has battery life of almost 4 hours which should suffice... can buy any smart phone later on if u like...

it not what u asked but just something to y buy a Wave and kep it in the locker at work... plus a PSP will cost half of what ur planning to spend...


get a tablet... cant suggest any good one now as thr are none in the market as of now... but if u cant get someone from US to get it for u then do it...

[Edit] Samsung will be launching Galazy Tab check it out here--> Galaxy Tab
If you are not sure whether to go for the Netbook or the Smartphone, you still have a option in the middle! The Dell Streak. Its a 5inch Smartphone (A Big A$$ Phone) the phone is good but will make you look from the 90s if someone sees you talking on the phone.

Galaxy Tab would indeed be an awesome piece of hardware coupled with the Android OS but its just at 7inch so its not totally an internet browsing neither a proper multimedia device. You could also get a IPad or these 'IPad Alternatives'

1.ExoPC Slate Link

2.Entourage Link

3.Archos 9 Link

4.JooJoo Link

5. IPad Link

All of these are 9 or 9+ inches with good processing speed and Ram. Sadly none of them are officially available in India except the Archos 9
I am doing the same thing too... travelling in company bus for a good part of the day..

I find it difficult to have two devices and prefer to have everything in a single device and easily pocketable.. So I went ahead with a Nokia 5800. Serves me good for music/games/Video and also as a phone with GPS/Internet. But screen size is less for movies, but I dont find it too difficult either.

If you can manage with two device, you can go for a PSP and normal mobile
If only one device, you can go with wave, or maybe even Galaxy S if you have the budget and like the big 4" screen.

BTW if you are looking for a netbook, then you need to check how long the battery will last if you watch movie full time.
If you want only a single device then go for wave or Galaxy S
If you can manage multiple device, then Netbook/Psp/itouch + MObile

It depends on your budget and convienence..
hehe....... thanks for all the advices and suggestions.............. the ipad or its alternatives are out of considerations as not launched and dont want to wait till dec or jan for adams........ have almost decided for the samsung wave............ anyways will not be using a phone much in office only required at home and while travelling..........

although netbook would have been a good option but considering the tablets launching next year will try to buy them next year....... so till that time will use and njoy on samsung wave......:cool2:
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