Samsung Wave reaches 1m global sales and GS at 300,000 (SK)

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Read the article here:

Samsung Wave sales reach 1M, Galaxy S keeps the pace - news

This is amazing. I saw that the sales are strong but 1m in a month is really strong and this should get lot of Developers to build apps for Bada OS.

Galaxy S too is showing strong sales in South Korea, selling 300,000 units in two weeks and global sales too look strong.

All in all, this is going to one hell of a quarter for Samsung and should give them lot of confidence. << I can sense the relief that Bada OS team is having now>> :)

PS: I wish Nokia should've been in this situation with N8+Maemo.
The article also indicates that Galaxy S sales may be similar or higher. With 3L sales in Korea itself and the rest of the world left out of the figures and so many variations of the device in US itself, I don't think hitting 7L would have been difficult for Galaxy S. Also unlike Apple who whose iPhone sales are best described by half a bell curve i.e peak sales on launch and gradual decrease later on, most other manufacture's sales are best described by 3 quarters of a bell curve i.e avg to decent sales at launch, a peak out later and then a gradually diminishing sales. I don't think Wave and Galaxy S have hit the peak point yet.
both phones are simply amazing :) they should be leading the market for some time......... and hopefully people stop seeing bada as some pathetic OS..
Well, it seems like the attractive pricing of Wave has really boosted the sales. This really might mean more apps for Bada and possible updates (possible because it's Samsung). But this might also mean that Wave meets the same fate as another niche model of Samsung - spica (hardly available these days) and we might see them releasing other Bada based models with lower spec but higher price (i5800 anyone).
they have already announced wave 2 and wave 2 pro.. both are lower spec ed. bada is Samsung's own OS and they are not gonna get anywhere if they ditch their first flagship bada phone. No one will even look at bada or the wave successor if that happens. They should continue supporting Wave if they ever want bada to do well and since its their own OS i recon they will.
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