PC Peripherals Samsung's HD DVD / Blu-Ray combo player, just in case


First it was on, then off, and now wouldn't you know it, Samsung's dual-format HD DVD/Blu-ray player might see the light of your home theater after all. Too true, at least according to Digital World Tokyo who caught up with Kim Du-Hyon, the assistant (to the assistant?) manager in Samsung's home-platform product planning division, who said that Sammy is already working on a dual-format, "universal" drive which could launch by the end of the year if HD DVD is as successful as Blu-ray Disc. Hmm, big-ass assumptions aside, it's not really a surprise to find a consumer electronics powerhouse with R&D capital to burn hedging their next-gen, optical disc format bets, especially since Samsung is already in bed with Toshiba (the big mama of HD DVD) on a storage technology joint-venture. And you know Samsung execs are just itchin' for another "world's first" placard. Still, the timing of such a statement couldn't be worse with Samsung's fledgling BD-P1000 Blu-ray Disc player just days away from US launch signaling the first shot across the bow of the already entrenched HD DVD camp. Now someone please get Sim Hong Woo on the horn to teach those Samsung execs middle-managers how to talk some smack and declare war properly on the competition. Sheez.

Source : Engadget.com

Thats awesome News :D ! Now It Really does'nt matter if HD wins or BR ! We r Gonna have the Best of Both :hap2: !
bah its not sheez.. its sheesh!! :p

anyways i doubt if its good news..

only one format can excel... wouldnt it be confusion galore.. if there were two different dvds each with capacity of 50gb but can inly be burnt n thier respective drives! !

or would it become like apple and microsoft?? one with a small consumer but loyal consumer base..and another having a wide base.. hmmm
How Does it matter ? No matter which format wins , u have the option of having the best of two ! If BR is better then u purchase BR dvds and if HD is better , u purchase HD dvds ! As simple as That ! That way u dont have to regret later i.e if another format is better and u r stuck with another format player ! :)
^^This will probably cost the same as the individual cost of both players anyway so i dont really see a point unless they can price it competitively. not to mention thats its not going to release before 2007 (its not gonna make much of a diff but that'll be almost a year after HD-DVD came out).
I really don't see a point buying these early rushed out drives. The current Toshiba HD-DVD player is actually a Pentium4 PC with 1GB of RAM and a PC HD-DVD drive running some embedded OS :p. The prices are definitely gonna fall once they start making these drives in mass by a large amount... probably 80% :p
can somebody tell me, when will these high capacity (recorder) aunched in india? and by when can we expect their prices to be down to a reasonable level?