Storage Solutions Sandisk ultra 16 GB Usb 3.0 Write protect error

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Hi sorry if am posting on this a wrong section(new guy).My Sandisk Ultra 16GB Usb 3.0 pendrive got write protected error last day I know that it isn't done by any viruses (no software issues i checked the normal route tried the registry fix that kind of things).
Then i find about the reprogramming the chip inside pendrive can recover the pendrive.
The information from Chipgenius is

USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID =5581
Serial Number: A2004617E603E794

Device Vendor: Phison
Device Name : USB DISK 53X
Device Revision: 0100

Manufacturer: Sandisk
Product Model: Sandisk Ultra
Product Revision; PMAP

Controller Vendor: Phison
Controller Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) -F/W 01.09.10 [2013-12-11]

Flash ID Code: 45DE9493-Sandisk SDTNQGAMA-008g [MLC-16K]

I have tried tools available (Like Phison MPAL) on the internet but still no success can anyone help me ?
My os is Windows 8 x64 I tried all the tools with driver signature enforcement turned off
before insert to pc connect nand chip pin 29+30 .insert to pc after 3 second romove the connection between 29+30
if you do it ok "you see 2303 boot prom"
after that download phison mpall 3.72b and "firmware_ps2251-03"
open mp.ini
and save like this

copy this text to mp.ini in mpall folder

IC Type=PS2251-03
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB PID=0x5200
String Product Name=USB DISK 3.0
String Manufacturer Name=usb
Inquiry Version=PMAP
Reset Serial Number=0
Do Preformat Test=1
Volume Label=USB DISK
Burner Erase All=1
Wafer Erase All=1
Burner File=BN03V114M.BIN
Firmware Name=FW03FF01V10810M.BIN
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