Sania engaged to shoaib malik

Wonder whether she intends to quit tennis and play LIVE call of duty after her marriage there. Whatever the f**k, she should pack her bags and leave India asap before any m**o congress leader gets the brilliant idea of giving indian citizenship to Shoaib malik. We already have a 'Sarkari Damaad' here who is draining our hard earned money. I would also love to see the medals and glory she'd be bringing in to that shitty country.
Ov3rLoRd said:
tried & tested. :rofl: :rofl:

I guess she trying hard to compete with rakhi sawant to be in news....Hardly i guess 3-5 months back her first engagement backfire and she is like i know shoaib from past 6-7 years and now direct marriage(what was cooking)....God save people from such girls...thanks Indian are safe now

Inorder to safeguard her passage they deciding to settle in dubai...ofcourse serious settlement done between them .i guess shoaib might have paid dowry here.lolz
Shoaib malik should take a look at the case of adnan sami. He ain't getting citizenship whether he marries one indian girl or two indian girls.
broadway said:
Shoaib malik should take a look at the case of adnan sami. He ain't getting citizenship whether he marries one indian girl or two indian girls.

He will come through nepal or bangladesh:bleh: and :

Where to Cross The Border?

If You Cross The North Korean Border Illegally You Get 12 Years Hard Labour.

If You Cross The Iranian Border Illegally You Are Detained Indefinitely.

If You Cross The Afghan Border Illegally, You Get Shot.

If You Cross The Saudi Arabian Border Illegally You Will Be Jailed.

If You Cross The Chinese Border Illegally You May Never Be Heard Again.

If You Cross The Venezuelan Border Illegally You Will Be Branded A Spy And Your Fate Will Be Sealed.

If You Cross The Cuban Border Illegally You Will Be Thrown Into Political Prison To Rot.

If You Enter Britain Illegally You Will be Arrested, Prosecuted And Sent To Prison And Deported

If You Are A Pakistani or a Bangladeshi And Illegally Cross The Indian Border You Get

- A Ration Card,

- Passport (1 or more)

- Haj Subsidy,

- A Drivers License,

- Voter Identity Card,

- Job Reservation,

- Special Privileges,

- Credit Cards,

- Subsidized Rent Or A Loan To Buy A House,

- Free Education,

- Free Health Care,

- A Lobbyist In New Delhi ,with a ready Television Channel & group of expert human right activists.

- The right to talk about secularism, which was not heard of back home.

And Ofcourse - Voting Rights!!
This one cracked me up!

Extract -

For years I have tolerated your pathetic second round exits on court and not said anything in the spirit of feminism. For years I have not commented on the size of your ever increasing love handles brought on by copious amounts of biryani. For years I have heard you make an ass of yourself at press conferences and make incoherent excuses in a fake accent.

For years I have told myself that my friends in Hyderabad were wrong in saying that you stank and people didn’t like sitting next to you in high school. I even supported you when the mullahs were against your dressing sense (largely because your shaking thunder thighs reminded me of the good ol days of Silk Smitha’s erotic movies).

But today, along with 500 million other horny teenagers whose access to good looking Muslim women ended with Jemima Khan’s posters, I say enough!

and this is the entire article... must read guys

Khamba's Blog: Open letter to Ms. Sania Mirza
Indian secularism has a meaning of it's own. By definition, it means segregation of religion from constitution but our's is a constitution which favours religions especially minorities. Those who thought democracy favours majority and ignores the minority haven't studied the case that is "secular democratic india"; the exact of opposite of what those words mean.
broadway said:
By definition, it means segregation of religion from constitution but our's is a constitution which favours religions especially minorities.

Show me where it says that :)
sydras said:
I guess everyone is pissed off to some extent with this move of Sania's. Sania was a sort of youth icon. Marrying a pakistani is akin to sleeping with the enemy :bleh:.

Was this a love marriage or an arranged one? I don't see the point of an arranged marriage to Shoaib. So many indian men she could choose from :-[.

But then, it's her decision.
Spot on. 10 chars.

loonies make entertainment other value.was wondering when this certified loony will make the news.atlast he did it.was really surprised that his nephew did not jump the starting gun but then maybe his nephew looks after maharastra and he looks after whole of india.

now need to see some stone throwing,smashing up tv channels for telecasting sania's matches,beating up people etc.atleast the tv channels will have no need for searching for "news".

tailor made for them.
broadway said:
Indian secularism has a meaning of it's own. By definition, it means segregation of religion from constitution but our's is a constitution which favours religions especially minorities.

Even I want to know where its written...

OT... I have only one word to add. RESERVATION.... Its constitutionally approved for majority only if you get my drift...:p
blr_p said:
Show me where it says that :)
That's the trick; dual interpretation of the constitution by the majority and the minority. A hysterical difficulty to prove the obvious. It only happens in this great country. And then to be taken for granted.
broadway said:
That's the trick; dual interpretation of the constitution by the majority and the minority. A hysterical difficulty to prove the obvious. It only happens in this great country. And then to be taken for granted.

Don't dodge the question :)
I don't understand why people are making so much out of a second rate tennis players personal life. People don't think twice when they look for foreign/ settled husbands (who act more foreign than most real foreigners) for their own daughters/sisters and yet people want to criticize about who Sania marries.

blr_p said:
Don't dodge the question

Well if you didn't understand his post, What he meant is that he made up his own twisted interpretation out of thin air and that he is in way equipped to prove it to you on paper. :)