Sardarji Again


SMART SARDAR :eek:hyeah:

A sardarji was lying on the raiway tracks wit a bottle of whisky and tandoori chicken within reach.
A passer by said sardarji why r u sitting like this a train might run over u ne time.
Precisely said the sardarji ,I don't wanna live ,I am sick and tired of my life.
Then why r u having a bottle of liquor and tandoori chicken besides u.
Sardarji sayz ,Why not ? As u know how puntual our trains are,U dont want me to die of hunger and thirst,do you?:(

It was a summer night Mr and Mrs singh were having there dinner.
Suddenly there was a power faliure .Mrs singh litz up a candle and they continue.
Mr singh finishes his food and see that his wife iz perspiring.
He getz up ,his wife looks at him enquiringly .
I will switch on the the fan 4 u I cant see u like this.
No no u want me to hav my food in dark.
Why ?he asked .Dont u hav ne commansense?
If u switch on the fan the candle will blow out,she said.