Storage Solutions SATA 3 VS SATA 2 difference?

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Transfer speed of Sata 3 - 6Gb/s
Transfer speed of Sata 2 - 3Gb/s
looks like sata 3 almost doubles transfer speed.
Technically it should.
As noticed the sata cables that come with mother board are sata 2 only.
I plan to buy White sata 3 6Gb/s cable from ebay for 249/-
Guys is it worth to buy?
Thats just the external link speed. Internally your hard disk cannot touch those speeds. Only the 64MB cache will be able to transfer at 6Gbps. Run a few tests like crystaldiskmark or copy a file, and you will see what the actual speeds are.

This is what WD specs say :

Note that they only mention buffer to host.
Thats just the external link speed. Internally your hard disk cannot touch those speeds. Only the 64MB cache will be able to transfer at 6Gbps. Run a few tests like crystaldiskmark or copy a file, and you will see what the actual speeds are.

This is what WD specs say :

Note that they only mention buffer to host.

Thanks For pointing that out.
So sounds like buying new sata 3 cable is not going to work for me.
However does switching to sata 3 cable work in ssd or wd black hdd?
Yes, you can benefit from these cables if the device you are going to use is a SSD or HDD with 64MB cache. However no personal experience, just my thoughts.
No, your thoughts are wrong.

From the horses' mouth:

First section, page 2 of the pdf file says it all.

SATA 3.0 cables are marketing horse dung. If you have quality cables, any SATA cable will work across all speeds. The key word is quality - if you have been using 20-rupee SATA cable from a roadside vendor, yes, you will need new cables but that is not the fault of those who made the spec. That is exactly what the document states, and is in line with my findings on a OCZ Vertex4 running at full SATA 6 Gb/s using an ordinary red cable.

There is a magical site on the internet called Google, has the answer to almost every question you can ask if you are not lazy (this is intended for the TS).

Here's a practical test:
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