SatNav free for Nokia Users

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SatNav Technologies has launched a free version of GPS Navigation Software and Maps for Symbian OS phones by Nokia. The free navigation software with maps of 412+ cities of India can be downloaded from

Windows-based phones from HTC, HP, imate, Asus and Acer are already offering SatGuide Navigation Maps. With this move, SatNav has reached out to the large base of Nokia users who will now be able to access extensive localized Indian maps and chose from the application most suited to them.

Nokia users can use the software for free for up to 10 times and then either reinstall once again to continue using it for free or upgrade with a one-time payment of Rs. 2138 and use it lifelong without recurring charges or reinstallation. SatGuide is an onboard solution, which allows users to avoid incurring heavy GPS subscription prices. The software will provide an access to detailed maps for 412+ Indian cities and over 16 lakh point of interests (POI's).

Source : India > Nokia Users Get Free Maps From Satnav > News on Software Internet & Software
rocker123 said:
the link for nokia free download is not wroking .....



This is the rapidshare link to which the Free Link on their site redirect you..

Rahulrulez said:
Also it's free only for 10 times usage.. :no:
You can uninstall it and reinstall it again to get another 10 time usage..
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